After the third intonation to St. Peter, the altar servers behind the crossbearer lead the procession. They are followed by the concelebrating priests, the canons, and the celebrant. The procession goes down the nave of the basilica. Those present, the nuns and faithful alike, join in the procession, continuing to sing the Litany of the Saints. The procession continues through the basilica, culminating in the area of the altar of the chair for the holy Mass.
Another procession
After the Mass, a special moment unfolds as the ministers and servers process around the high altar as the choir sings the “Stabat Mater.” The following antiphon is also sung in Latin: “Unus militum lancea latus eius aperuit et continuo exivit sanguis et aqua,” the translation of which is: “One of the soldiers opened his side with a spear, and immediately there flowed out blood and water.”
Due to the work on the baldacchino of St. Peter’s, the procession this year continues around the canopy of the altar and pauses in front of the statue of St. Andrew. The clerics take off their head coverings, miters and birettas, and face the chapel above the statue of St. Veronica. A prayer is said by the canon who is about to expose the relic of the Holy Lance. He then goes to fetch the relic accompanied by two additional canons.
The bells begin to ring. Slowly, three canons exit the chapel onto the loggia, and one with red gloves carries the relic of the lance of St. Longinus. The canon, accompanied by the other two, proceeds to show the relic in all directions for the veneration of those present while the thurifer incenses the relic from down below.
The relic is shown from the center of the loggia, then to its left and its right, and back to the center to elevate the relic especially for one last glimpse.
The bells sound one more time as the relic is processed back into its chapel — finally, the ministers of the Mass process to the sacristy of the basilica. Thus, the station liturgy is done.
(Story continues below)
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A Lenten example
According to tradition, Longinus not only witnessed the crucifixion but also was healed of a malady of the eyes by the blood that flowed from Jesus’ side. He is also said to be the centurion who said: “Truly, this man was the Son of God” (Mt 27:54).
In the intricate tapestry of Roman tradition, the Holy Lance and the figure of St. Longinus stand as symbols of devotion, sacrifice, and healing. The biblical reference in the Gospel of John, coupled with centuries of veneration, has woven a narrative that forms the very fabric of the Lenten experience in the local Church of the Diocese of Rome and the spirituality of St. Peter’s Basilica.
The Holy Lance continues to captivate hearts and minds, inviting believers to contemplate the profound significance of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and to say with St. Longinus: “Truly, this man was the Son of God.”
This article was originally published at EWTN Vatican, a partner of CNA.
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