Art that comforts VATICAN
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- Art that comforts
- Vatican Museums
Vatican Museum: Beauty that Unites! 59 Beauty creates communion. It unites onlookers from a distance, uniting past, present and future. Pope Francis has recalled this on a number of occasions. The Church has always translated the universality of the Good News into the language of art. From this premise, this dramatic moment in history characterized by uncertainty and isolation, gives rise to this initiative which is a partnership between the Vatican Museum and Vatican News: Masterpieces from the Vatican Collection accompanied by comments from the words of the Popes.
Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520), Disputation over the Most Holy Sacrament, detail, fresco, 1508-11, Vatican Museums, Vatican Apostolic Palace, Raphael Rooms, Room of the Segnatura, © Musei Vaticani
©Musei Vaticani
Eucharistic adoration is an essential way of being with the Lord. (…)
The hidden treasure, the good greater than any other good,
is the Kingdom of God – it is Jesus himself, the Kingdom in person.
In the sacred Host, he is present, the true treasure, always waiting for us.
Only by adoring this presence do we learn how to receive him properly –
we learn the reality of communion,
we learn the Eucharistic celebration from the inside. (…)
Let us love being with the Lord!
There we can speak with him about everything.
We can offer him our petitions, our concerns, our troubles,
our joys, our gratitude, our disappointments, our needs and our aspirations.
Pope Benedict XVI – Vespers with religious and seminarians of Bavaria, 11 September 2006
Under the direction of Paolo Ondarza
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- Art that comforts
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26 July 2020, 11:11
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