A lot of people are falling for the illogical fallacy of atheism these days. Atheism asserts that there is no God who created us, and the universe just happened on its own somehow. Living things somehow morphed into being all on their own from inanimate matter. That notion has to be one of the dumbest things this engineer has ever heard of!
Timing and Order
Why is that, you say? Well, for starters, timing is all around us in the world in which we live – 24 hours in a day, 365.23 days in a year, the earth’s orbital rotation of approximately 1,042 mph at the equator, the earth orbiting the sun constantly at approximately 66,000 mph, etc. Just as my watch keeps time, so does the earth. There is nothing random about perfect timing, all day, every day. Perfect timing indicates a superior intelligence keeping this timing going. This is true for every human-designed electrical/mechanical machine on earth, so why wouldn’t it be true for the universe? Besides, nothing ever moves unless some outside force acts on it, whether it is a human push, gravity, or something else banging into it. So who started the earth’s rotation and orbit around the sun? God, maybe?
The Big Bang
But that’s not all. Just about everyone agrees that the universe was created in a big bang almost 14 billion years ago. Scientists like Albert Einstein and others had originally thought that the universe had ALWAYS been here, but a Catholic Priest from Belgium, who was also a scientist, Fr. George Lemaitre, came up with the Big Bang theory after observing stars moving away from each other. From that, he concluded that matter exploded all at once from an original starting point and is continually expanding outward from the original point. He actually had to convince Albert Einstein of this. As smart as Einstein was, he really thought that the universe was eternal, without a beginning. The problem with this theory, of course, is that it sounded too much like “Let there be light!” which was God’s command in Genesis to create the heavens and the earth. Since a lot of scientists of the early 20th century were atheists primarily and scientists secondarily, they didn’t care for that correlation! But after observing what the Catholic priest had discovered, even Einstein had to agree that the universe had a beginning.
Limiting Evolution
The other problem with a 14-billion-year-old universe, instead of an infinite one, was that it limited the amount of time that animals could “evolve” from other species. So now the theory of evolution had to be reevaluated. One aspect of evolution had been that species evolve or adapt to different climates and changing environments through selective breeding, where the necessary genes that would enable a species to survive in a changing environment would be handed down to the next generation. If an animal didn’t get those survivability genes, then that animal would die off, leaving only the ones with the correct genetic makeup to survive. Examples would be that only white foxes and white bears would exist in the arctic (to blend in with the snow), dinosaurs would somehow became birds after the extinction meteor hit the Yucatan Peninsula, and nocturnal predators, such as owls, developed night vision to see in the dark while hunting. Now, after the Big Bang theory, this process was no longer infinite, but finite. This modification caused a lot of problems for people who thought this way because unlimited time to adapt was one of the key tenets of evolution. A finite universe meant limited, not unlimited, evolution of species.
Interconnected Systems
The complexity of interconnected systems in the world is also evidence of a creator, rather than just a random banging together of atoms over time. Just like a modern-day car or truck is an interconnected system of fuel, electricity, steel, plastic, rubber, and mechanical systems that all operate smoothly to get us where we are going comfortably, just so, the human body is an interconnected system of flesh, blood, organs, hair, enzymes, and bones that operate smoothly together so that we exist as living, breathing men and women. Marvelously, no one thinks about having to breathe, to make their heart pump blood, or to get their stomach to digest food; those things all happen automatically. The human body is truly a magnificent design. When you consider the human intellect and reasoning, the human ability to love, the human ability to procreate, and the human ability to feel other emotions, humanity is too wonderful a design to have just happened by random chance. Most logical people, when looking at the incredible interconnectedness and complex design of the human body, credit God for making us in His image. Our coming into being did not result from a big bang that somehow created living beings from inanimate matter, through a chaotic system of random clashing of molecules, which somehow came together to create brain systems, digestive systems, blood systems, skeletal systems, etc. For the record, worldly big bangs such as 9/11, Mount St. Helens, the Yucatan asteroid, etc., never create life; rather, they destroy life.
Scientific Method as Proof
For the sake of argument, let’s for a moment assume that living matter was randomly created from inanimate matter in a huge explosion. Science-loving atheists should be able to use the scientific method to recreate this process in a laboratory environment, but they cannot. Instead, atheists like Richard Dawkins have gone on record saying that MAYBE aliens landed on earth and created mankind. Fine. But then, who created the aliens? Did aliens somewhere really come to earth? In other words, that theory sounds a lot like Richard Dawkins’ wishful thinking and personal opinion, NOT SCIENCE.
If humans were somehow randomly created by an explosion, what about the food that nourishes and sustains their bodies? Did food that humans can safely eat and digest somehow magically come together through a miraculous detonation of matter? Did that detonation not only create living beings but then somehow mystically “know” to also create apples, cattle, wheat, etc., so that we can all eat and stay alive? That is one smart random explosion of inanimate matter, for sure!
Fine Tuning
A lot of scientists have noticed that the constants of science are very finely tuned; so fine, in fact that it seems almost impossible. For instance, if the number of protons to electrons were off by just 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, the world would cease to exist. Another example is the “cosmological constant,” which is the expansion rate of the universe. This expansion is a balancing act between the attractive force of gravity and the repulsive force of space. This constant must be very close to zero, and if it were to be off by 1 part in 10120 the universe would either fly apart (larger constant), or collapse (smaller constant). So the bottom line is that the atheist needs to ask himself why we are on a planet with just exactly the right amount of gravity/oxygen/sunlight, etc., to perfectly sustain human life.
Lightning and the Water Cycle
The water cycle begins with the evaporation of the water in the oceans, causing clouds to form over land. Clouds drop rain and snow on the land and replenish the rivers, which then flow into the ocean and start the whole cycle over again. This amazing process drops just the right amount of rain in each area to sustain the nearby plants and animals. For instance, desert areas may only get 5 of 10 inches of rain a year at the most, but that amount is all that the local cactus and bugs and snakes need to survive. Wetter areas may get 50 inches of rain a year, which is how much the deer and cattle and tall trees in the vicinity need to survive. Lightning during rainstorms puts nitrogen into the soil, which acts as fertilizer for the plants. Truly an amazing cycle.
The DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) that makes us who we are is much more complicated than the intelligently designed software code running your computer right now. DNA is found in all cells of each living thing. DNA carries all of the instructions for any organism to build and repair itself. It determines our eye color, our height, our metabolism, etc. Since software code (first invented in 1936 by Alan Turing in his effort to decode the Nazi Enigma code) is created by an intelligent being, it only stands to reason that the infinitely more complicated DNA would also come from an intelligent being and not just happen all on its own.
First Things
So how did the first human come to be on earth? One theory says that lightning hit some amoebas (which came from where?) in a primordial soup. The amoebas then all got together somehow and eventually formed a man and a woman. Amazing theory, for sure, but most people today know that if someone is struck by lightning, it kills rather than creates new life. Lighting has been striking the water for centuries, and it sure doesn’t seem to create any new life forms today. The other theory says that God, who exists outside of time and space, created the first man and woman. As Richard Dawkins thinks, though, it’s all the aliens’ doing.
The Fossil Record
The fossil record DOES NOT SHOW that one species evolved into another over time. What it does show is that the Cambrian Explosion created new animal phyla all at once, around 540 million years ago. All of the skulls and bones of prehistoric creatures do not magically evolve into the skulls and bones of a human being over time. In short, the missing link is still very much missing.
Migratory Birds
Some birds and even bats migrate thousands of miles during the winter months so as to survive the cold. They go over large prairies and oceans with few landmarks to show the way. How do they do this, and how do they know when it’s time to start? For most people to do this, we would need a GPS, lots of food, lots of warm clothes, etc., but birds and bats just do this all on their own. Some people say that they know when it’s time by the position of the sun in the sky, and they use the earth’s magnetic field to navigate by. (Pretty smart for a birdbrain!) Who knows for sure, but any animal traveling thousands of miles to the exact same place each year is truly amazing. Again, is this just an accident of the big bang, or is it an intelligent design?
To me, if a car or a building had to have been designed and built by a superior intelligence (mankind), it only stands to reason and logic that the much more complex universe and human body had to also have been designed by a superior intelligence (God).
An atheist needs to believe that nothing produced everything; inanimate matter produced human and animal life by exploding; random colliding molecules produced timing, order, fine-tuning, and beauty in the universe; the chaos of the big bang produced human DNA and other understandable data, and lightning somehow creates life instead of killing life. Now THAT is faith!
For me, I choose God, who loves us and wants us to be happy with him forever in heaven.
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