He continued: “Jesus has come here to heal you, to cleanse you, to make you fit for worship, so that you may offer your gift of a humble, contrite heart, the gift of a changed life — a gift that, when changed by the love and mercy of Jesus, enables you to change the lives of others here.”
“Jesus offers that opportunity to all of you who are here on a longer-term basis, to all of us who get to walk around and breathe the fresh air — all of these things Jesus offers for us because he is merciful, because he is kind, and because he loves us,” he said. “But while Jesus offers us his mercy, he offers us something even more precious: his flesh and blood for the life of the world, in the holy Eucharist, in the holy Communion.”
“In the Eucharist, God is close. He is close to his people and he wants to be with you, here in the Diocese of Columbus and here in Pickaway Correctional.”
After the Eucharistic procession, the priests and pilgrims spent time talking with the men and getting to know their stories.
“When we went to the prison, wherever you go, finding people that love the Lord so much and so deeply shows that the love of Christ can get through any wall and gate,” said Dominic Carstens, one of the Perpetual Pilgrims, after the prison visit. “He will go to you when you’re 95 years old living in a nursing home or when you’re incarcerated.”

Brian Thoma, who has served nearly nine years of a 28-year prison sentence, celebrated his 50th birthday on the day of the pilgrimage.
“For this [the visit by the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage] to happen, it’s special,” he said. “It helps us realize that there are people out there who do care about us, they haven’t forgotten about us. It’s uplifting. It’s good for the spirit.”
Thoma, a cradle Catholic who said he was an altar server and attended Catholic grade and middle school, attends Mass in the prison chapel on a regular basis and adoration on the first Saturday of every month.
“Having Jesus present on this day is a real gift,” Thoma said. “The first thing I did after being incarcerated at CRC [Correctional Reception Center of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction] was to find a Catholic chaplain. And I got into confession and started going to Mass regularly there. And when I got transferred here [Pickaway Correctional Institution], same thing.”
(Story continues below)
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“It’s helped me out. It’s something that keeps me grounded, staying in the faith,” he said. “I know that Jesus loves me. If anything, you’ve got to keep the faith, and that’s what I’ve been trying to do. It helps me. Helps me along. Helps my day to day.”

Josue Puga spent time visiting with the pilgrims and explained that he grew up Catholic and was raised in the faith by his parents. He said he attends Mass regularly in the chapel.
“[Faith] gives me peace and keeps me going day by day and helps me feel the Holy Spirit in my life,” he said. “I know Jesus will always be by my side and guide me in the right way.”
This article was originally published by The Catholic Times and is reprinted here with permission.
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