Rebekah Weigel, writer and producer of the film, spoke with CNA about her personal experience with adoption and what she hopes this movie will inspire in others when it comes to protecting children.
In 2013 Weigel and her husband — who have five children, two of whom were adopted — began the adoption process. They originally planned to foster and adopt from Los Angeles County, but after getting a call from Colorado asking them if they would consider adopting two kids who had just gone into the foster care system there, the couple said “yes” and the children were transferred to California. Despite it feeling like not the best timing, the couple “felt like God was calling us to do that,” she shared.
“It’s definitely been one of the most challenging things we’ve ever done, but it’s also been the most rewarding thing we’ve ever done as a family,” Weigel expressed.
Weigel’s husband, Joshua Weigel, is the director, writer, and producer of the film. The couple’s personal experience with adoption inspired them to get involved in the movie, which Weigel calls “a heart project” and an “issue that’s very dear to our family and has changed our lives for the better.”
Currently in America there are 400,000 children in the foster care system and 100,000 children waiting to be adopted, Weigel pointed out, urging Christians to take action.
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