The notion of “synodality” is used over 60 times in the synthesis document of the First Session of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod
A photograph of a spider’s web. (Photo supplied)
In his pastoral practice and speeches, Pope Francis has insisted on an element that appears fundamental in his evangelical call addressed to the Church, viz., synodality. It cannot be said to be a perfectly understandable and univocal term, which makes the task of the present article more difficult, but nevertheless interesting.
The synthesis document of the First Session of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod – which met in Rome October 4-29, 2023 – refers to this concept frequently.
The notion of “synodality” (perspective of synodality, style of synodality) is used over 60 times; the adjective “synodal” nearly 100 times (referring to Church, process, journey, itinerary, assembly, manner, practices, life, style, spirit, path, dynamic, perspective, meaning, configuration, nature, character, experience, dimension, face, approach, culture, dialogue, communion, manner, council, key, session); and the noun “synod” in the singular around 20 times.
The most frequent concepts in the document are those of “synodal Church,” mentioned some 30 times (if we include the occurrences of synodal assembly, synodal configuration and synodal nature), and “synodal process,” mentioned some 20 times (including occurrences of synodal path, way and itinerary).
A first remark can be made: synodal Church, assembly, configuration or nature mostly refer to a proper or essential characteristic of being ecclesia, while concepts such as synodal process, journey, path or itinerary refer to a proper or identifying type of action.
In essence, the synod participants, by common consent, came to agree on “an initial understanding that needs to receive better clarification” (Synthesis Report [SR] 1, b).
There has been intense public debate, which continues. Thanks to Pope Francis’ foresight and consistent approach, different positions have become clear.
The current Synod, with its development and methodology, is in itself both a doctrinal and pastoral resource to find, in a synodal way, answers to questions about synodality.
Just as “there is no way to peace: peace is the way,” we believe that it is not so much a question of finding a way to synodality, but that living synodality itself is the way.
This article is brought to you by UCA News in association with “La Civiltà Cattolica.”

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