CNA Staff, Jan 24, 2025 / 18:10 pm
A diverse group of speakers including activists, politicians, and individuals sharing personal stories fired up the crowd on the rally stage ahead of the 52nd annual National March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Friday.
The theme of this year’s demonstration, “Life: Why We March,” was highlighted as speakers, many of whom are Catholics, explained the reasons for their pro-life convictions.

Outgoing March for Life President Jeanne Mancini, who has led the organization since 2012, introduced the new March for Life president, Jennie Bradley Lichter. Lichter — a Catholic mother of three, a lawyer, and a longtime advocate for the sanctity of life — has been active in the pro-life movement since her childhood.
“You know that the wantedness of a human being doesn’t determine our value. You know that it is right and good to stand up for people who are too small to defend themselves … but lately many of the loudest voices have been shouting the lie that women need access to abortion,” Lichter said.
“I will see you all back here next year and every year until every woman and every baby is loved and protected,” she added.

Archbishop Joseph Naumann of the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas, led the crowds in prayer, praying that the pro-lifers in attendance go out in strength to build the culture of life and asking the Lord to bless them with “the fire of your Holy Spirit” so that they “never tire of the crusade for life whose origin is in you.”

Following remarks from Sen. John Thune of North Dakota, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson described himself as a “product of an unplanned teen pregnancy,” the first of his parents’ four children, and gave thanks for the fact that his parents chose life.
Johnson went on to highlight Congress’ work defending fundamental freedoms and the new administration’s pro-life actions, including Trump’s pardoning of pro-life activists and his defining life as beginning at conception.
“America is premised on the self-evident truth that every single person is made in the image of our creator God, and thus every single person has inestimable dignity and value,” Johnson said.

Speaking next, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis encouraged all present to “show courage in defense of the unborn” and recounted how his state defeated a pro-abortion ballot measure in November despite misleading information from the opposition and an estimated $120 million spent by the pro-abortion side.
With the ballot measure’s defeat Nov. 5, 2024, Florida became the first state to rebuff a pro-abortion ballot initiative since the overturning of Roe v. Wade along with Nebraska and South Dakota on the same night.
DeSantis argued that standing for the right to life is not bad politics and that he himself is proof of it, pointing to his victory in Florida after overturning Roe v. Wade. DeSantis, who is Catholic, signed legislation in April 2023 to prohibit abortion in Florida once the unborn child’s heartbeat can be detected, which occurs at about six weeks into pregnancy.
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“The sanctity of life does not depend on poll results, it doesn’t depend on which way the wind is blowing, it’s an enduring truth and it represents the foundation of our society,” DeSantis said.
Taking the stage next was Republican Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey, a longtime Catholic lawmaker whose remarks focused on a recommitment to the defense of the weakest and most vulnerable, specifically unborn children.
While praising Trump’s actions to protect the unborn, Smith also highlighted the work of pregnancy care centers and the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, emphasizing that “pro-lifers are a people of persevering faith in God willing to bear any burden and endure any attack.”

Lila Rose, the president of the pro-life group Live Action, fired up the crowd with infectious energy and reminded them that “abolishing abortion is the most important human rights cause of our time.”
While calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood in favor of pregnancy resource centers, she emphasized the importance not just of political action but also the responsibility of every pro-life person to try to win over the hearts and minds of other people, helping them to understand how precious life is.
“My friends, this is half the battle: showing up,” Rose said.
“All of you here, all of you have the power to change minds, at the dinner table, on campuses, at soccer games, you can change minds. You are the voice for those who have no voice. Remember, science is on our side. Natural law is on our side. The truth is on our side.”

Dr. Catherine Wheeler, a former abortionist who is now a pro-life obstetrician, spoke about how her own unplanned pregnancy in medical school helped her to slowly understand how, in performing abortions, she was “intentionally [disregarding]” one of her patients, namely the unborn child. Wheeler said she has come to know Jesus’ love and now advocates for the pro-life cause after previously performing abortions.
“Life is an incredible, beautiful miracle, and God’s grace is available for each and every one of us,” she said.

Beverly Jacobson, CEO of Mama Bear Care, spoke about the challenges she and her husband faced when their daughter was diagnosed with Trisomy 18, a chromosomal condition also known as Edwards syndrome. Her experience inspired her to assemble an “army of mama bears” to support women going through similar trials, to help them realize that “their baby bears are gifts from God who deserve to be celebrated.”

Josiah Presley, an adoptee who survived a failed abortion, emphasized that every human life is valuable because it is created in God’s image. Presley, who was born in South Korea, was adopted by a family in Oklahoma after he survived the abortion attempt and now serves as a student minister at North Pointe Baptist Church in Edmond, Oklahoma.
“Today I march because when I was unseen and devalued, God had a different plan,” said Presley, who was born with a deformed arm as a result of the attempted abortion.
“And today we march to declare what our creator has already declared, that all human life is valuable because it’s created in the image of God.”

Keynote speaker Bethany Hamilton, a professional surfer from Hawaii whose life story was immortalized in the film “Soul Surfer,” is a Christian mother and a dedicated pro-life advocate. She spoke about how she struggled feeling like she couldn’t become a mom, admitting that no one, even people with deep pro-life convictions, is “above” the struggle that comes when the difficult choice to choose life presents itself.
At the same time, she said, many women are being fed “lies” that they can’t or shouldn’t keep their babies. She emphasized the need for hope and support for women facing unplanned pregnancies and called for men to support women and help combat the lies being told about the value of life.
“Children are true wealth, and they are truly the greatest blessing God has to offer us,” Hamilton said.

Following those speeches, President Donald Trump delivered a prerecorded video message to the March for Life, where he promised to end the “weaponization” of law enforcement against pro-life Americans, highlighting his recent pardoning of 23 pro-life activists who had been imprisoned under the Biden administration and adding that under his leadership a reformed Department of Justice would investigate attacks on churches and crisis pregnancy centers.
Trump stated that his administration will stand for families and for life, and he praised the marchers for their dedication to creating a society that protects every child as a gift from God.
Rounding out the keynote speeches was Vice President JD Vance, who, appearing in person, emphasized his pro-life convictions as a Catholic father and stated that the Trump administration would continue to uphold pro-life policies.

He expressed his desire for a society that is pro-family, stating that the true measure of national success is how easy it is to raise a family. To that end, Vance discussed the Trump administration’s proposal to increase the child tax credit and support for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act.
“Let me say very simply: I want more babies in the United States of America,” Vance said to loud cheers.
“I want more happy children in our country. And I want beautiful young men and women who are eager to welcome them into the world and eager to raise them. And it is the task of our government to make it easier for young moms and dads to afford to have kids, to bring them into the world, and to welcome them as the blessings that we know they are here at the March for Life.”
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