ROME — The Rev. Frederick Bailey, pastor of the Lowell United Methodist Church, 5840 Lowell Road, is inviting everyone to the church’s Palm Sunday worship service at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, April 10.
Bishop Mark Webb, the Episcopal leader of the Upper New York United Methodist Church Conference, will preach the Palm Sunday sermon and will remain to greet people at a Meet-and-Greet following the worship service.
Bishop Webb serves as the secretary of the Northeastern Jurisdiction College of Bishops, as a member of the Connectional Table and as a trustee of United Theological Seminary. Bishop Webb was named as one of the top 100 leaders by The John C. Maxwell Transformational Leadership Award in 2018. He had a passion for leadership development, new faith communities and ensuring existing congregations grow in vitality and fulfill the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Pastors Bob and Lola Moore, pastors of the New Hope A/G Church will provide special music.
The Lowell Church will also welcome the Vernon Center United Methodist Church who will join for worship as well as their pulpit supply and Lay Leader of the Lowell United Methodist Church, Wendy Grosjean, who will participate in the service.
There will also be a special time for the youth which will include a play. Everyone is invited to join for worship and the meet-and-greet following the worship service from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Easter Worship will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 17, followed by an Easter Egg Hunt for children, and a scavenger hunt for youths.
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