Think there might be a religion angle there? Enter the Washington Times’ Mark A. Kellner with this fascinating take:
The images raise issues for followers of the Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and affirm the thoughts of Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant, who in the 1700s imagined the possibility of galaxies beyond our own, says Harvard government professor Michael Rosen.
Religion News Service’s Claire Giangravé quotes Vatican astrophysicist Brother Guy Consolmagno:
“The science behind this telescope is our attempt to use our God-given intelligence to understand the logic of the universe,” Consolmagno wrote, adding that “the universe wouldn’t work if it weren’t logical.”
“But as these images show, the universe is not only logical, it is also beautiful. This is God’s creation being revealed to us, and in it we can see both his astonishing power and his love of beauty,” he said.
Power Up: The Week’s Best Reads
1. When can a ministry count as a church?: “In the case of the Family Research Council, it depends on if you ask the IRS or the US Religion Census,” Christianity Today’s Daniel Silliman reports.
According to ProPublica’s Andrea Suozzo, the FRC has joined “a growing list of activist groups seeking church status, which allows organizations to shield themselves from financial scrutiny.”
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