“The Veil Removed” is a short film that shows us how Mass participates in the eternal life of heaven. Area residents are invited to join the film’s producer, Chris Magruder, as she explains the film and the significance of the Eucharist in the lives of those who receive it.
This presentation will take place at St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Vail, on Sunday, April 3, from 2-3 p.m.
Magruder is the daughter of John and Connie Bruner. Connie is a sister of Betty Schwery of Vail. Magruder and Julie Nelson are hosts for a radio show entitled “Catholic Women Now.” While researching for their show about how Heaven and Earth come together during the Mass, the women came across information revealing several saints who experienced heavenly visions during the Mass.
After presenting their radio segment on the topic, Chris attended Mass. During the transubstantiation, Chris felt the Lord calling her to show the world what they would see during every Mass if the veil was removed. The excitement of this potential project began to reveal itself to Magruder, and “The Veil Removed” began.
“The Veil Removed” board of directors and team came together alongside a strong group of over 65 prayer warriors. The project is being prayed for every hour of every day, of every week, going on five years now. From its inception, this project has been led by the Holy Spirit. He continues to guide participants every step of the way, through Mass, Adoration and Daily Prayer. They believe that the Lord wants to use the short film as a tool to incite curiosity and generate excitement and a desire to learn and love the Holy Mass and Eucharist.
Magruder explained, “As a cradle Catholic who has continued to learn the Catholic faith, I continue to be surprised by the beauty and magnificence of the faith. When I began learning what happens behind the veil at Mass, my whole Mass experience changed. Suddenly I wanted to be in Mass daily and encounter the power and graces that come from receiving Jesus. Since then, I have seen miracle upon miracle and answered prayer upon answered prayer for myself and others.
“This caused new growth in my faith, love and trust in Christ,” she continued. “My personal relationship with God is triumphing and as my love has deepened for the Lord, I have tangibly felt his ever-present love and care, thus increasing my peace. Alongside my personal growth with the Lord, another blessing – my circle of Catholic faithful friends — has also grown. Through these friends, I have found that my experience is common in those who come to know the truths of the Holy Mass. It is the Lord’s desire to remind ALL people of the beauty and the truths of the Mass. And thus ‘The Veil Removed’ has been born!”
Those who attend the presentation at St. Ann will have the opportunity to follow up on the information they have received, including a retreat, a 30-day meditation guide, and a study guide.
The ‘Veil Removed’ website has information stating, “To this point we have had different people tell us this information motivated them to go back to Mass after having been away from the Church, become daily Mass attendees, become more interested and engaged when attending Mass, show up early for the Mass, ask the intercession of the saints and angels, and have experienced prayers being answered powerfully after embracing the graces that flow from the Eucharist. Frequently, people comment that their Mass experiences are more meaningful and powerful.”
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