In his message, Don Bosco’s successor pointed out that “each person is a dream of God,” noting that the secret of personal happiness will be “discovering the correspondence and encounter between these two dreams: ours and God’s.”
The rector major of the Salesians explained that to understand what God’s dream is in oneself, it is necessary to realize that he has given us life because he loves us.
“We must believe, then, that our God wants to do great things in each one of us! We are all precious, of great value, because, without each one of us, there is something that cannot be done, people that only I can love, words that only I can say, moments that only I can share,” he said.
In the video (click on settings and subtitles till you get to the English option) of the presentation of “the gift” he noted that young people are influenced by the dreams of others, whether by their parents, friends, gangs, or social trends. He therefore said that it is necessary to “explore their dreams with young people themselves.”
The video also pointed out that “what seems like a dream is not always a dream,” such as addictions, crime, child labor, terrorism, and sexual slavery. Therefore it’s important to accompany young people, be by their side, offering them an alternative and helping them make the right choice.
Not with blows
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