EDITOR’S NOTE: While some clubs have informed The Union of meeting cancellations or reopenings due to COVID-19, we have not heard from them all. Please call ahead to confirm future meeting times and/or cancellations. We encourage club members to inform us of any changes.
The Union publishes Club News each Saturday. To share the latest from your western Nevada County club or organization, email readers@theunion.com. Unfortunately only a small fraction of club submissions are published in the print version of The Union due to space constraints. To see the complete list of clubs, visit http://www.TheUnion.com, scroll down to the bottom and click on “announcements.”
Gold Country Senior Services
To help meet the increasing needs of homebound local seniors, some of the meals we provide are, once again, being prepared by our own Gold Country kitchen staff. Meals on Wheels volunteers make deliveries on Tuesdays and Thursdays, while similar meals are available for drive-through pick-up at the Nevada City Senior Apartments, 841 Old Tunnel Rd. in Grass Valley. Phone 530-273-4961 to register. Visit http://www.goldcountryservices.org for further information.
American Association of University Women (AAUW)
In addition to our commitment to our mission to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research, we provide educational and enrichment opportunities for our members through nine different interest groups that meet monthly. These include book discussions, foreign policy discussions, writing, gardening, hiking, dining and arts and crafts groups. The Non-Fiction book group will meet from 12:30 to 3 p.m. on Oct. 19 via Zoom to discuss “Caste: The Origins of the Discontent by Isabel Wilkerson.” The Great Decisions foreign policy discussion group will meet from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Oct. 26 via Zoom to discuss Chapter 7, The Role of WHO and Covid-19. The Gardening group will meet from 10 a.m. to noon on Oct. 28 to look at Scary Bugs in the Garden for our Halloween meeting. Non-members are welcome to attend to learn more about our organization. For more information on these meetings, contact Susie Monary-Wilson at monarywilson@msn.com. For more information on the AAUW organization, go to our website https://nevadacounty-ca.aauw.net or call 530-470-9395
.Gold Country Welcome Club
Is the pandemic ever going to end? Yes it will and should you decide that when it does that you’d like to make up for lost time and meet some new people and make some new friends, you should check out the Gold Country Welcome Club. We’ve been getting people together in Nevada County since 1989. Find out more about the Welcome Club at http://www.gcwelcome.com.
Gold Country Kiwanis
We had our installation dinner last month. The officers for 2021/22 are: Justin Gross, president; Aldo Vibanco, past president; Karen Poskus, secretary and David Jones, treasurer. Our next Zoom meeting will be at noon on October 28 with speaker, Paula Kelley, executive director from the Kiwanis Family House. If you are interested in attending by Zoom, please contact us at 1822tinman@gmail.com or http://www.goldcountrykiwanis.org and we’ll set you up to be part of our Zoom meeting. Our Zoom meetings are from noon to one twice a month. If you enjoy working with children, we are always looking for new members.
Gold Country Celtic Society
Although our activities for the past year and a half were curtailed by COVID-19 restrictions, the Gold County Celtic Society is alive and well. Plans are in progress for the Kirkin’ O’ the Tartan in November and, of course, we are hard at work planning the Burns Dinner & Concert to be held January 22, 2022 at the Miners’ Foundry in Nevada City. Details will follow. As to our monthly potluck gatherings, we are hoping to start again in the very near future. We now have a new website at http://www.goldcountrycelticsociety.org as well as an email at GoldCountryCelticSociety@gmail.com. Our address is P.O. Box 291, Nevada City, CA 95959. Keep up with our activities and join us.
The Nevada County Amateur Radio Club
We normally hold monthly meetings at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of each month at the Salvation Army facility at 10725 Alta Street in Grass Valley, but due to the coronavirus there will be no monthly face-to-face meetings until further notice. However, non-ham members as well as persons interested in becoming ham radio operators or learning more about ham radio can go to the club website at http://www.NCARC.org for the latest information on this subject and other ham related subjects.
The Newcomers Club of Nevada County
We are inviting all ladies of Nevada County to join in the fun. We are a very warm and welcoming club for fun and educational interaction. In addition to our delicious monthly luncheons/programs at the Alta Sierra Country Club we also have many small groups including Gardening, Book Clubs, Cooking Clubs and Hand & Foot. Our October 27 luncheon includes a delicious buffet lunch and our informative program will be on money and finance. If you are interested in joining our club call Ann at 707-477-5941. We would love to meet you. On Oct. 23 we will be holding our Resale Boutique and Treasure Hunt from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The Litton Building , 200 Litton Drive in Grass Valley. If you would like to donate gently used items we will be collecting on Oct. 19 at 11834 Alta Sierra Drive in Grass Valley and on Oct. 16 at 11799 Alta Sierra Drive in Grass Valley. All collection times are from 1 to 3 p.m. Our Christmas Families Project will be the beneficiary of 100% of the proceeds from your generous donations.
Rotary Club of Grass Valley
The club meets at 12:15 p.m. on Mondays via Zoom. Currently, the club is working on two projects. One is expanding the garden at Lyman Gilmore Middle School by adding some environmental features such as a butterfly garden and a bee pollinator. The club is also working on a meals program scheduled for November 16 to benefit the food insecure in our community. The Food Bank of Nevada County is partnering with us. We will set up two assembly lines in the Food Bank and volunteers will package the meals for distribution. If you are interested in learning more about the projects or Grass Valley Rotary meetings, call Kathleen Shaffer, club president, at 530-802-6501.
Soroptimist International
A toast and congratulations to Soroptimist International as they celebrated their 100th anniversary on October 3. Soroptimists have accomplished so much in their bright past — not just for the women and girls they serve in their local communities and around the world — but for each and every one of the members personally. For over 100 years, Soroptimist has: Bettered the lives of countless women and girls, helping them achieve economic empowerment, furthered their impact through their life-changing programs, united tens of thousands of women around the globe with a common desire to give back to their communities and enabled all to forge lifelong friendships. And while Soroptimist International clubs have supported various programs and spearheaded numerous campaigns to help provide focus throughout the years, their purpose has always remained steadfast. To recognize that distinction, the City of Grass Valley has issued a proclamation honoring Soroptimist International of Grass Valley for their work in this community and to proclaim that October 3, 2021 be designated Soroptimist International of Grass Valley Day. Here’s to their “Bright Past and Brilliant Future.” If you would love to be part of an amazing “hands-on” women’s service club (the largest such club in the world, by the way) contact Membership Chair Gale Pylman at galepylman@yahoo.com.
Soroptimist International of Grass Valley
We have returned to club meetings after the summer hiatus to celebrate 100 years of Soroptimism. During our 67 years of service, the Grass Valley club created the Low Cost Family Counseling Center, KARE Crisis Nursery, the First Teen Center, The Sexual Assault Response Team, The White Barn Project, Dress A Girl International Project, a beauty salon at a convalescent hospital and supported many projects. Our fundraising to support these projects has been the Chicken Teriyaki Booth at the Nevada County Fair and Draft Horse Classic, A Day for Women and most recently, Flower Power. If you are interested in advancing the status of women and children, please consider joining this dynamic group at http://www.sigv.org.
The Grass Valley Foothill Lions Club
Created 17 years ago, we are members of the Lions Clubs International, one of the largest service club organizations in the world. Our motto is “We Serve” and suitably we participate in many projects and activities that beneficially serve our community. With the current fire season, we’ve been focused on assisting local individuals who have suffered catastrophic losses from the devastating fires. We have provided $2,000 in emergency funding to each of three Chicago Park families whose homes were destroyed during the River Fire. Also, during these challenging pandemic days, we’ve been assisting older individuals in our community who need help around their homes, including building wheel-chair ramps and stairways to increase their safety. During less challenging days, we’ve enjoyed projects that support our beautiful Fairgrounds. Annually, our major fund-raising event has been operating the arena beer booth during the Fair. During the past year, our focus has shifted, and we’ve joined with the Fairgrounds Foundation in creating fundraising drive-thru dinners. We’re committed to serving our community and welcome other folks who want to serve to improve the quality of our lives together. If you’re interested, please contact either Rob Shotwell at 530-273-5879, or Linda Stevens at 530-277-4909.
Nevada County Travel Club
Hello, fellow travelers! People are finely starting to feel comfortable traveling again. We have one last trip scheduled for this year: Santa Fe, New Mexico departing November 28 and December 12. I have signed up for this trip and am hoping for a little snow. Several of our members have signed up and space is still available. At our September meeting our travel director presented three new trips for 2022, Las Vegas, Laughlin and Lake Havasu departing Feb 27, 2022; Danube Explorer departing May 16, 2022; and the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta departing Sept. 30, 2022. Please join us at our next monthly meeting at Abundant Life Community Church, 10795 Alta Street in Grass Valley. Please join me at our next meeting. Call me, Judy Foy, at 530-432-3393 and I will save you a seat at my table.
Side Kick Line Dancers
Two new line dance sessions have already started but these classes will run through the end of the year (no classes on 11/9/21). The class for beginners is Tuesday mornings from 10 to 11 a.m. and features low impact dances, which are wonderful for seniors. The beginner classes emphasize learning basic steps with 20-plus step combinations. Easier dances are learned to incorporate these basic steps. The Improver/Intermediate class is Tuesday mornings from 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. These sessions are for dancers with some experience and those who know the basic steps. Dances include restarts, tags and more challenging step combinations. All classes are held at Golden Empire Grange, 11363 Grange Court, Grass Valley (off La Barr Meadows Road). The cost is $5 for one class, $8 for two classes. Come join the fun! Please join our Facebook group SIDE KICK LINE DANCERS for continuing information on present and upcoming classes. Or you can also email cherylekinslow@yahoo.com for more information and a flyer.
Business & Professional Women of Nevada County
On September 15 we introduced our four scholarship winners. These outstanding women read their essays and received amounts totaling $5,300. BPWNC has been awarding grants for 23 years and despite the challenges of power shut-offs, COVID-19 and fires, we have continued to meet on Zoom, reach out to applicants and make these awards. Find the Zoom link at http://www.bpwnevadacounty.org. Our mission is to support and promote equity for women. We offer encouragement awards and academic scholarships to women returning to school or in certification programs to better their working opportunities. Donations are always needed and very much appreciated. To donate and for more information, please visit http://www.bpwnevadacounty.org.
The Nevada County Genealogical Society (NCGS)
Meetings are open to the public and free of charge. For more information, contact Hilary Steinmetz by e-mail at: hilarysteinmetz@gmail.com.
Alcoholics Anonymous of Nevada County
If you want to keep drinking, that is your business. If you want to stop, that is ours. We have a 24-hour hotline, 530-272-6287 and our website http://www.dist20aa.org can guide you to virtual and in-person meetings and other information. The hand of AA is here to help.
Empire Sams RV Club
Have you been promising to take your RV out of mothballs and take it for a ride? Wondering if you still remember how to hook your 5th wheel or travel trailer to your truck? How about hooking up the tow vehicle? We can help you with it all! We are the Golden Empire Sams RV Club and we’re prospecting for fun and new members. Come and join us on one of your camping outings. You’ll find out how friendly, fun and helpful we can be.
Our October outing will be to Pomo RV Park & Campground in Fort Bragg, Calif. from October 17 through 20. Contact Stan or Faith at 530-575-4365 for information and/or reservations. Our November outing will be to Feather Falls KOA, in Oroville. For more information about the November trip or our club, visit http://www.goldenempiresams.org.
Sierra Nevada Canoe and Kayak Club (SNCKC)
This group of flat water kayakers and a few canoe enthusiasts meets on the fourth Thursday of most months at Seaman’s Lodge in Pioneer Park (427 Nimrod Street) in Nevada City. They meet at another location for the May picnic, on the water training in August, Lake Natoma potluck lunch paddle in November and holiday party in December. Meeting time is 6 or 6:30 p.m., depending on whether there is a potluck that night or not. Check out our website, http://www.mysnckc.org for details of the current month’s meeting, trips list, coaches corner, and much more information. Our monthly programs entertain, educate and give members and guests the opportunity to socialize and share knowledge of places, equipment and paddle skills to enhance their water adventures. Weather permitting, we have several local one-day paddles each month. In addition, from April through October we usually have a several-day car camping paddle trip each month. There are some activities that will probably appeal to you and your boat. COVID-19 vaccination is required for participation in club activities. We welcome those who love the sport of paddling. If that’s you, then please join us. For more info email us at snckc@att.net. See you on the water!
Family History Center Genealogy Research Group
Our Nevada City research group started up on August 17. The Family History Center offers free access to Ancestry.com, Find My Past, Fold3, MyHeritage, Newspapers.com, AmericanAncestors.org, Geneanet and Paper Trail. Volunteers are available to assist with your individual research, if needed. This group works under a casual format committed to assisting with genealogical research. Genealogy Research Group hours are Tuesdays, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Wednesdays, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. The Nevada City Family History Center is located at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 615 Hollow Way in Nevada City. The entrance is located at the back of the building, with free parking and level access.
Early Risers Toastmasters
We had another fun Zoom meeting on Tuesday Aug. 3. Anne King gave the better speech about rites of passage. Going hybrid is in our future, as soon as it is safer to gather together inside. For now you can continue to join us each Tuesday morning at 6:45 a.m. on Zoom. Sharpen your speaking, leadership and Zoom skills in a supportive environment. Call Lori at 530-478-9803 for the Zoom link.
Marin Men’s Brunch Bunch
Retired men formerly from Marin County are invited to join our monthly brunch meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 11:30 a.m. at Tofanelli’s Restaurant in Grass Valley. Our group has gathered locally for over 20 years. We are an extension of the original Marin Men’s Breakfast Club from San Rafael started in the early 1960’s. Join us for breakfast or lunch with humor, conversation and a guest speaker. Information from Al Schafer at afsarch@sbcglobal.net or 530-271-0766.
Sierra Express Bicycle Club (SEBC)
We are a local club dedicated to getting like-minded cyclists together to explore the less traveled roads of our beautiful area on two wheels. We welcome cyclists of all levels to join us on rides of various difficulty… from 20 mile easy-going rides in Penn Valley where the terrain is flat to more challenging rides in the foothills and beyond. Ride leaders ensure that no one gets left behind and that riders of all levels can participate while making new friends. SEBC hosts an annual fall barbecue at Gateway Park in Penn Valley and a winter holiday party/potluck for members and families. We also hold at least two club meetings a year where there will be entertaining guest speakers sharing information on health/fitness and bicycle related topics. For more information on the club and how to get involved, please go to our website at SierraExpress.org.
Free Dementia Support Group
Cascades of Grass Valley, an independent, assisted living and memory care community located at 415 Sierra College Drive, is hosting a Coffee and Conversation Support Group for friends and family members of loved ones living with dementia. This support group will be held on the fourth Thursday of each month from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., either virtually via Zoom or in-person at Cascades of Grass Valley.
During this support group, attendees will get a chance to share their stories, successes and concerns while learning a variety of coping tips and care solutions from other caregivers and professionals. For more information or to RSVP, contact Brianna Phillips at 530-272-8002. After reserving your space for the virtual session, you will receive login information. If joining in-person, masks will be required and refreshments will be served. Founded by four partners with extensive experience in senior living, Cascade Living Group is dedicated to providing high-quality senior living and care communities throughout the western United States.
Ladies Only Pistol Fun Shoots
Members and guests are invited to ladies-only pistol fun shoots from noon to 2 p.m. on the fourth Sunday of each month at the Nevada County Sportsmen’s Club, located at 11296 Banner Mountain Trail in Nevada City. The cost for non-members is $7. Previous pistol shooting experience is mandatory. You will not be allowed to shoot if you have not had prior pistol shooting experience. This is for safety. Bring eye and hearing protection, pistols and ammo. Targets and fun times are provided. For more information contact Janette Carpenter at 530-263-9214 or juanitaent@gmail.com. For more information on the Sportsmen’s Club, visit https://www.loc8nearme.com/california/nevada-city/nevada-county-sportsmen/6126058.
Grass Roots Genealogy Group
We are having Zoom meetings to stay connected and engaged with genealogy. GRGG is an informal gathering of people interested in learning and sharing about how to do family history research. We meet on the first Wednesday of every month (except for holidays). During the pandemic, meetings are held online via Zoom. We welcome newcomers and beginners to genealogy and enjoy helping you break through those “brick walls” to find your ancestors. Call Susan at 530-271-1311 for more information or to request the Zoom link for the meeting.
The Gold Country Cal Alumni Association
We represent U.C. Berkeley to Nevada County. The local chapter brings together university grads and friends to sponsor scholarships and hold special events. The scholarships are for graduating high school seniors from Nevada County who are accepted by the University and commit to attend. The alumni chapter is a qualified non-profit charitable organization. Our activities include luncheons, dinners, winery tours, and wine tasting, guest-speaker get-togethers and an Annual Big Game Rally Dinner. We also participate in community events, including Octoberfest and the Picnic in the Park/Concert. These activities will be resumed as soon as the pandemic crisis is over. For more information, contact Lloyd Tosse, president of the chapter, at 530-263-7373 or lloyd@tosse.com.
Grass Valley Moose Lodge #2217
We are an international organization of men and women, dedicated to caring for young and old, bringing our community closer together and celebrating life. We are for children in need from throughout the world at Mooseheart Child City and School, just west of Chicago. We provide for seniors at Moosehaven, our 72-acre retirement community in Orange Park, Florida along the St. Johns River. We provide over $90 million worth of community service activities annually throughout the USA. We have fun doing so and develop lifelong bonds. We will have birthday celebrations, and dinners on some Saturdays, as well as our monthly Monday and Wednesday, Thursday, night dinners, and our great Friday night dinner specials with karaoke after dinner. Check our website, and calendar. We also have a place for clubs and social gatherings. Come in and make new friends. Please come join us as a guest. We are located at Grass Valley Moose Lodge, 15694 Allison Rd. in Grass Valley. For more information call the lodge at 530-273-1070 or email lodge2217@mooseunits.org.
Master Gardeners of Nevada County
Trained by the University of California, Master Gardeners offer free gardening advice to the public. Our office is closed for now but for gardening questions please visit our website at http://www.NCMG.ucanr.org. You can click on “Got Questions” to submit a gardening question by clicking the link for instructions. While we are not yet able to resume our in-person gardening classes, we offer free Saturday gardening videos on our website with complete instructions, beginning at 9 a.m. The videos are recorded and stored on our website for review by clicking on the “Workshop Recordings” link in the left hand column. You can watch them again and again. On the website, click on “Check the calendar here” to view upcoming events. Our Demonstration Garden, located on NID office grounds, is now open to the public but limited to 10 persons at a time.
Nevada City Lions Club
To learn more about joining the Nevada City Lions Club, contact Jackie Wapp at beerwapp@gmail.com. For additional information about California Lions Clubs visit their website at http://www.californialions.org or their Facebook page and http://www.facebook.com/CaLionsClubs.
Business Networking International (BNI) Grass Valley/Nevada City Chapter
We meet virtually, via Zoom, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. every Thursday. Register at: https://tinyurl.com/Visit-BNI-Zoom or contact Machen MacDonald at 530-273-8000 or machen@probrilliance.com.
League of Women Voters of Western Nevada County
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. Learn more about the League of Women Voters of Western Nevada County at http://www.lwvwnc.org.
Grass Valley Retired Public Employees Association (RPEA)
CalPERS is sponsoring Assembly Bill 2473 (Cooper), exempting “Private Loans” made by a “Public Investment Fund” from the California Public Records Act (CPRA). “Private Loans” are a new and untested investment strategy, which has not been commonly used for the investment of money held in trust to fund public pension obligations. These loans only have the potential to yield high interest if they are made to borrowers with a high risk of default — or even bankruptcy. The RPEA has offered amendments that would require such “Private Loans” to be subject to public disclosure once they become assets held in trust by a public pension fund. Placing public trust funds into secret investments is a recipe for disaster. Keeping the transparency required by current law assures that the taxpayers will not be left holding the bag for losses caused by risky loans of public funds.
Nevada City RV Club
Membership is open to all owners of all brands of RVs. The purpose of the Nevada City RV Club is to promote family camping and to meet others with similar interests in the RV lifestyle. The club has celebrated more than 30 years, with members representing all age groups and all walks of life. In addition to camping once a month. The club offers an annual picnic and Christmas party. By belonging to the Nevada City RV Club you will find new ways to enjoy your RV and make new friends. For information on joining, please call 530-274-1254.
The Bridge Street Society and Affiliates
We decided at our regular meeting on June 9 to distribute $2,000 of our reserve fund to the following: $500 each to The Nevada Theatre Commission, KVMR Radio, Miners’ Foundry Cultural Center, and Hospitality House. Future appropriate use of funds will be considered post COVID-19. All members were present.
Gold Country Square Dance Club
Following the guidelines set forth by our elected officials, the Goldancers Square Dance club will not be dancing for an undetermined time. We hope to be dancing again when everyone is healthy and it is safe to do so. Check our website at http://www.Goldancers.com to determine when we are dancing again.
Gold Country Fly Fishers
In accordance with the directives from state and federal agencies, all GCFF activities are suspended until further notice. The board of GCFF believes it prudent, due to public health and safety concerns of our members, for the GCFF to cancel all gatherings for at least 30 days. Gatherings include the monthly general meeting as well as face to face gatherings of the board, of committees and “fishouts.” Check our website at http://www.goldcountryff.org for more information about our programs. We will be posting program and meeting information when our activities resume.
Gra-Neva Ford Model A Club
Ah-Oooogah! That is the sound of a vintage 1928-1931 Ford Model A automobile’s horn. Our club is actively touring about and having fun! If you have one of these fine vehicles, and are not one of our members, you are missing out! We are a local bunch of friendly and welcoming people, who invite you to join us at our meeting as a guest, and to possibly consider becoming a new member. We meet at 7 p.m. monthly, January through October, on the fourth Thursday of each month, at the Nevada City Elks Lodge, 518 Hwy. #49. Our activities include touring on this area’s beautiful back roads, parades, maintenance of our cars, and enjoying good camaraderie at all our gatherings. Membership does not require ownership of a Model A, just an interest in the automobile. For questions, or further information, call 530-274-7079, or browse our website at http://www.granevaas.com.
Pinochle Players
Do you enjoy playing cards? We play Pinochle from noon to 4 p.m. every Tuesday and Saturday in Grass Valley. If you are interested, please call Rochelle Chapdelaine at 530-205-9452.
Nevada County Republican Women Federated (NCRWF)
Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month September through June. Reservations are required. For more information about meetings, call Judy at 530-271-5794. Information about membership can be answered by calling 530-263-6733. For more information about NCRWF please email us at NCRWF@reagan.com or visit the website at http://www.nevadacountyrwf.org.
Golden Empire Nursing and Rehabilitation Center’s Auxiliary
We are in need of more members. The Auxiliary first started at the County Hospital in Nevada City and came to Grass Valley Convalescent Hospital with the first administrator when the County Hospital closed and Golden Empire opened its doors. The Auxiliary provides many services. Catholic services are offered every week, ceramics are made every week by both members for sale and residents, as therapy. Non-denominal chapel services are provided every week. Visitation is done by members and more visitors are always needed. Some residents are from out of the area and have no one to visit them. The Auxiliary makes favors for the food trays of those who must eat in their room and assists with the dressing and grooming for a formal ball held for the residents every April. They host an Ice Cream Social with live music every June and provide pies for the residents’ Thanksgiving Dinner, usually held before Thanksgiving for residents and their families. Each December the Auxiliary provides homemade cookies, small gifts for the residents before Christmas and more. There are never too many people to help provide our services. The Auxiliary meets at 10:30 a.m. on the third Thursday of every month, except July and August, in the dining room of the Center. If you are interested in joining this group you can contact membership Chairman Barbara Ford at 530-273-6084 for more information and a membership application, or come to the next meeting.
Soroptimist International of the Sierra Foothills
If you want to learn more about our club and see how we help our community thrive, come join us. Our meetings are the first, second and third Thursdays of every month at Tofanelli’s Gold Country Bistro in Grass Valley. We want you and your talents! It would be our pleasure to have you join us in our efforts to support nonprofit organizations that improve the lives of women and children in our community. For more information visit us at http://www.sierrasoroptimist.org, or visit our Facebook page. If you would like to feature your garden in our 2021 Garden Tour please email us at sisfgardentour@gmail.com.
Sierra Wine and Grape Growers Association
If you are interested in growing grapes, starting a vineyard, making wine, wine tasting or learning about wine in general, please join us for cheese and crackers at our meeting and bring a bottle of your favorite wine for all to taste. You do not have to be a grape grower or winemaker to join our group! We have interesting speakers, a summer picnic, a holiday party, and we provide a yearly scholarship to local students. For more information about SWGGA, visit https://swgga.org. We’d love to have you join us.
Nevada County Astronomers
NC Astronomers meet at 7 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month in the community room at Madelyn Helling library. All are welcome. For more information, visit http://www.ncastronomers.org.
Hot Breakfast Club
The First Baptist Church is offering a free hot breakfast to Nevada Union High School students on the first Wednesday of each month throughout the academic year. Food is served from 7:15 to 8:30 a.m. along with “drinks and fun.” The church is located at 1866 Ridge Rd., across from NUHS. In addition to a hot breakfast, which often includes pancakes, breakfast burritos or French toast, a selection of doughnuts, cereals, coffee, tea and juice will always be available. This is drop-in event for high school students before school is sponsored by First Baptist Church in partnership with Campus Life. All are students are welcome.
Nevada County Democratic Women’s Club
Join us on the first Saturday of each month for breakfast. Check-in and socializing begins at 9:30 a.m. Breakfast and meeting at 10 a.m. at Trolley Junction Restaurant at the Northern Queen Inn, 400 Railroad Ave. Nevada City. Cost is $15 for full buffet breakfast, coffee and juice. Non-members and guests always welcome. RSVP at nevcodwc@gmail.com.
Family History Center
Nevada City’s Family History Center has expanded their hours. The Center will be open from noon to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays, noon to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursdays. The center offers free access to Ancestry.com, Find My Past, Fold3, Geneanet, My Heritage, Newspapers.com and Paper Trail. Volunteers are on site to assist with your research. In addition, on the third Tuesday of each month the Family History Center hosts a Family History Workshop from 10 a.m. to noon. Each month this workshop presents a topic related to genealogical research and related subjects. Parents with pre-school age children may find our Thursday hours more convenient for research and assistance. There will be activities available for children during Thursday research hours so parents can focus on research. Nevada City Family History Center is located at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 615 Hollow Way in Nevada City. The entrance is located at the back of the building where there is free parking and level access.
Gold Country Italian American Club
Do you enjoy good fellowship? Good food? Bingo? Then join us at our luncheon on the third Tuesday of the month. We meet at 11:30 a.m. the Alta Sierra Country Club. For more information, call Don at 530-271-7491.
Social Hour at the Library
The Madelyn Helling Library is now hosting a monthly Social Hour. The library loves to introduce newcomers to everything Nevada County has to offer. Just gone through a big life change and looking for new friends? Just want to get out of the house? Come to the library’s Social Hour! Each month, on the first Thursday of the month, the Social Hour program will have games, crafts, and snacks! Come meet new people and hopefully make some new friends. A future date has yet to be determined and depends on shelter-in-place orders. Attendance is free and no registration is required! For more information, visit the Events Calendar at http://www.mynevadacounty.com/library or call 530-265-7050.
Grass Valley Al-Anon
Is your life affected by someone else’s drinking? The Grass Valley Al-anon meetings have relocated to 1721 E. Main Street, Suite 1B. Please review our meeting schedule by clicking on the link below. Newcomers are welcome to all meetings; and the Monday morning sessions are specific to people new to 12-step meetings. If you want/need support, we are here for you! For more information, visit https://al-anon.org/al-anon-meetings/find-an-al-anon-meeting/ or https://al-anon.org/newcomers/self-quiz/adult-grew-up-with-alcoholic-quiz/.
Nevada City’s Evangeline Chapter 9, Order of the Eastern Star (OES)
OES is the world’s largest organization that admits both women and men to membership. The fraternal order supports friendship and fellowship among its members and philanthropy in the community, including a scholarship program along with cancer and heart research charities statewide. Locally we contribute regularly to the KARE Crisis Nursery and the Interfaith Food Ministry and just recently made and donated over 100 Port Pals given to Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital and the Grass Valley Dialysis Center to be provided to their cancer patients with chemo ports.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
For those interested in joining TOPS, our club meets at 10 a.m. on Friday mornings. Check-in is between 8 and 9:30 a.m. at the Salvation Army, 10725 Alta St. in Grass Valley. Everyone is welcome. Fore more information, call Sharon Rodriguez at 530-575-9325.
The Nevada-Placer Chapter of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
We are devoted to creating an America free from gun violence, where all Americans are safe at home, at school, at work, at place of worship, and in our communities. We work to educate families about gun violence prevention and to help create and support public policy, legislation and regulations for sensible gun laws at the state and national levels. We seek to reduce firearm injury and death by keeping weapons out of dangerous hands. Contact bradynevadaplacer@gmail.com for more information.
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)
Our local Captain John Oldham Chapter meets the fourth Monday each month. We are a nonprofit, non-political, volunteer women’s service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America’s future through better education for children. Members can be any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background – who can prove lineal descent from a patriot who supported the cause of independence in the Revolutionary War. Locally we promote patriotism, history, conservation and education with community projects and through chapter donations. For instance, our local Community Classroom Committee connects DAR with area schools by volunteering in classrooms, providing school supplies and helping teachers wherever there is a need. For further information on our monthly luncheon meetings or for membership, please call Emily Boling at 530 273-6140.
Jewel Heart Norcal Study Group
We will now be meeting evenings from 6 to 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday. We are starting a study of “The Foundation of Perfections,” which is a practical guide of stages on the path to full enlightenment. The Foundation of Perfections is a Buddhist text that offers intimate access to the material through explanation, group discussions, and meditation. The group will use Gelek Rimpoche’s text by the same name as a guide. All are welcome — Buddhist background or affiliation is not required. Meetings are held at a member’s house in downtown Grass Valley. For more information and location please contact Joe at 530-263-8508 or email jbreault51@gmail.com. Jewel Heart Norcal is affiliated with Jewel Heart International. For more information visit http://www.jewelheart.org.
P.E.O. Sisterhood
Since its inception in 1869, P.E.O., Philanthropic Educational Organization, has helped more than 109,000 women pursue educational goals by providing almost $345 million in grants, scholarships, awards and loans and the stewardship of Cottey College. Through membership, the P.E.O. Sisterhood has brought together nearly a half a million women in the United States and Canada who are passionate about helping women advance through education, while supporting and motivating them. What started with a bond of friendship among seven women in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, is now one of the oldest women’s organizations in North America with close to 6,000 chapters. To learn more about P.E.O., visit http://www.peointernational.org.
Kentucky Flat 4-H Club
The mission of 4-H is to engage youth in reaching their fullest potential while advancing in the field of youth development. Our club would like to invite all those interested or those who would like to learn more about 4-H to join us at our next community club meeting. Our club consist of Primary, age 5 to 8 years old, Junior, Intermediate and Senior members, age 9 to 19. We meet on the second Monday of each month at the Kentucky Flat Community Center, 13281 Newtown Rd in Nevada City. We offer a wide range of projects for our members. For more information, contact leaders Jeff Tynan and Teresa Toledo-Larios at kentuckyflat4h@gmail.com.
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE), Grass Valley Chapter 1335
All federal employees and retirees and their spouses are invited to join NARFE. It is a non-partisan, non-profit organization founded 97 years ago to protect the earned benefits of federal employees and retirees. Members meet the second Thursday each month at Margarita’s restaurant on Plaza Drive in the Glenbrook Basin, except for July and August. Social time is 11:15 a.m., lunch to follow and then our speaker. A short business meeting follows. Local chapter meetings serve as an opportunity for federal employees and retirees to socialize, receive timely updates on policy actions affecting the federal community, and hear programs of general interest or of value to members. Reservations for lunch are not required. For more information on the luncheon or program, please call chapter president Larry Kinkor, 530-265-6477.
Banner Community Guild
We are dedicated to promoting, supporting and advocating for our community, regenerative farms, local economy, cultural diversity, education, the arts, and a variety of charitable causes. Membership in the Guild is open to women and men, people of color and people of diverse beliefs. We are an organization that listens intently to the myriad of voices in our community in order to nurture an organization that is inviting to all. Our motto is “Neighbors helping neighbors.” Monthly meetings are held at the Guild Hall at 12629 McCourtney Rd. in Grass Valley on the third Thursday of every month with a potluck at 5:30 and meeting beginning at 6 p.m. All meetings are open to the public and membership is encouraged. For membership information, rental of the Guild Hall including two large rooms and a completely equipped kitchen. For upcoming events and more, go to http://www.bannerguild.org. A Flea Market is held on the second Saturday of each month from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vendor sites are available for $10 – no reservation required. For more info about the Flea Market call 530-277-4310. Coming soon: a Tool Lending Library! Stay tuned about this and other additional developments at the Banner Guild.
SIRs (Sons in Retirement Branch 55 Grass Valley-Nevada City)
Renew old friendships and make new friends through our monthly luncheons and organized activities. Activities are base on members interest; wine testing, bocce ball, pool, bowling, golf, fishing, and many more. We invite men of ALL ages that are semi-retired or retired looking to meet new friends and participate in fun activities. We are a 501-(c) 4 nonprofit men’s organization that has been established for over 60 years. We meet for lunch the third Tuesday of every month at the Grass Valley Moose Lodge (non affiliated host) located at 15694 Allison Ranch Rd. Lunch is at noon. Come early for happy hour and billiards/pool. Come alone or bring a guest. Joining is free and there are no dues. Come join us, no reservation necessary. (Cost of lunch includes main course and desert)
Come check us out! For further information if needed, Call the ‘Big SIR’ at 530-271-5679. More information about SIRs can be found at http://www.sirinc.org.
Child Loss Support Group
Anyone who has had a child die in their family is invited to contact Shari Homan, who is in the process of establishing a local chapter of The Compassionate Friends. The national nonprofit is a self help bereavement support organization for families that have experienced the death of a child. To complete the application process Homan is seeking three to four volunteers who are a parent, grandparent or adult sibling to act as a steering committee to help manage the formation of a Nevada County Chapter. If interested please contact Homan at Shari.homan@yahoo.com. To learn more about The Compassionate Friends, visit http://www.compassionatefriends.org.
The Craft Guild of Nevada County
Join crafters interested in sharing their crafts with others in selling handmade items locally. Meetings are at 6 p.m. on the last Tuesday of the month except for Feb., April, June, July and December. We meet at the Earle Jameson Education Building at 112 Nevada City Hwy. Check out our blog at http://www.craftguildnevadacounty.blogspot.com.
American Contract Bridge League Duplicate Bridge Games
Come join the friendly folks who play duplicate bridge. We have games every week – Mon., Tues. Wed. and Fri. at the Golden Empire Grange in Grass Valley (for info call Bruce at 530-477-9586 and for partnerships on Mon. email Bill Jones at bill8jones@yahoo.com. Thursdays at Eskaton in Grass Valley (Harvey, 530-477-5107) and Mon. and Wed. at Lake Wildwood in Penn Valley (Jim, 530-432-5593). If you need any other information or you are interested in learning how to play bridge, you can contact Bruce Lester at 530-477-9586. For information and a class concerning the “duplicate game,” email Bill Jones at bill8jones@yahoo.com. Our games are not only competitive and sanctioned ACBL games, but we always serve delicious coffee/tea and refreshments.
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
S.L.A.A., is a fellowship based on the 12 step program of Alcoholics Anonymous. This self-help fellowship is open to people of any age or sexual preference. Members include those who suffer from a compulsive need for sex, those with a desperate attachment to one person, and those who have a compulsive need to avoid sexual or emotional attachments. What all members have in common is an obsessive/compulsive pattern, either sexual or emotional (or both), in which relationships or activities have become increasingly destructive to all areas of their lives – career, family, and sense of self-respect. Meetings are open to any person who believes he or she has this problem and wants to find help in recovering. More information, including Nevada County meetings, may be had by calling the phone number for the Sacramento Regional Information number – 916-552-1442, or by going to the S.L.A.A.’s international website: https://slaafws.org/ (S.L.A.A. Fellowship Wide Services).
The Tapestry Network of Nevada County
We have just celebrated our 7th anniversary in Nevada County. This Christian business networking chapter serves Nevada County’s local nonprofits while promoting each other in business. Part of our recent growth is the expansion, adding a Christian Bookstore in our downtown Grass Valley location. Their store includes Christian jewelry as well as books from local authors. The organization showcases authors as guest speakers and will have book signings along with the regular book sales of office hours Monday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Our monthly fundraisers normally take place on the second Thursday of each month. The Tapestry Network is open to all women in the marketplace. Details may be found on their Facebook page: The Tapestry Network of Nevada County – BAM. Or email melisa@m3mall.biz.
Nordic Skiers of Nevada County
We promote back-country skiing and snowshoeing for its members and the community. The club sponsors trips and monthly club meetings the first Thursday of every winter month. The general public is welcome to attend meetings and may join at club meetings. The club web site is http://www.nordic-skiers.org.
Over Eaters Anonymous
OA is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope are recovering from compulsive overeating. We welcome everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. There are no dues or fees for membership: we are self-supporting though our own contributions. OA is not affiliated with any public or private organizations, political movement, ideology or religious doctrine: we take no position on outside issues. Our primary purpose is to abstain from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors and to carry the message of recovery through the twelve Steps of OA to those who still suffer. If you think you are one us of please join us at the following meetings. We meet at 12:30 p.m. on Mondays and 10 a.m. on Saturdays at Trinity Episcopal Church, 201 Nevada St. in Nevada City. Also at 5 p.m. on Fridays at BriarPatch Co-op, 290 Sierra College Dr. in Grass Valley. For more information please visit http://www.sacvalleyoa.orghttp://www.oa.org.
The Gold Country Miniature Society
We enjoy making doll houses and doll house accessories. We build miniatures in all scales and have a variety of interesting projects throughout the year. We meet at 11 a.m. on the first Wednesday of each month and new members are welcome. There are three other miniature clubs in the area which get together on different days. Those interested in this fun hobby can email Barbara at bathca@gmail.com or Pat at pat@beachesbeaches.com.
Senior Social Singles
We are a group of congenial single people in western Nevada County and nearby areas. We get together several times a month for activities such as social hours before local restaurant dining, potlucks, picnics, game nights, movies, dancing, hikes, and other outings. We are a social club whose purpose is to find people with like interests and form good friendships. Membership is open to single, widowed, divorced, or legally separated persons. For more information call Virginia at 530-477-8969.
Gamblers Anonymous
The High Nooners chapter of Gamblers Anonymous meets from noon to 2 p.m. Mondays at the Nevada City United Methodist Church, 433 Broad St. in Nevada City. Thousands of people who have created problems due to excessive gambling have found the strength to quit by joining Gamblers Anonymous (G.A.). If gambling is destroying you or someone you care about, call 775-430-2771. There is no charge to belong to G.A.
Penn Valley Toastmasters
We hold our meeting on Thursday evenings, in the ReMax center, 10126 Commercial Ave (near Player’s Pizza), from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Summer Brown was last week’s Toastmaster for the evening. It was her first time hosting the evening. Toastmaster not only helps improve your speaking skills, Toastmaster learning platform also assists in the development of one’s leadership skills. Stop by and enjoy an evening of both prepared and extemporaneous speeches.
Sons In Retirement Branch 124 Alta Sierra
Men, looking for something to do in retirement? Not excited about becoming a greeter at that big box store? Want to meet new friends, try new things, retry old things and have fun? Come join us for lunch and an interesting speaker. We are SIR (Sons in Retirement) a group of retired Gents who get together for fun and companionship. We are golfers and bowlers, wine tasters and food lovers. We like to try new things and have new experiences. We meet at the Alta Sierra Country Club on the first Tuesday of every month. Social hour starts at 11 a.m. and lunch is begins at noon. Contact Dave Gates at 530-333-5975.
United Nations Association, USA Golden Empire Chapter
Our chapter presents monthly programs on global issues related to the United Nations and the principles on which it was founded. The goal is to educate members and the community on issues such as the conflicts in the Middle East, sustainable development, climate change, inequality, energy access, gender equity and the plight of refugees around the world. For further information, visit http://www.unausa.org.
Nevada City Inner Wheel Club
Our clubs are all over the country as well as all over the world. First club founded in England in 1924. We are on e of the largest women’s service clubs in the world. Our District 519 has about 10 different clubs mostly in and around Sacramento. We meet about five times a year. This year District 519 held their Annual Founders Day Luncheon celebrating 94 years in existence. Our guest speakers were ladies from “Canine Companions for Independence.” They spoke about their organization and how they helped the disabled. They brought three gold labs and an 8 week old black lab. An older lady who was wheelchair bound demonstrated many things her dog could do for her and all with one word commands. Our club meets once a month for a meeting and lunch. Information about our club call Carole at 530-265-6989.
Diabetes Support Group
Sierra Medical Nutrition Therapy is offering a free diabetes support group for people with diabetes and those who care for them from 4 to 5 p.m. Mondays at their office, located at 360 Sierra College Dr., Suite 220 in Grass Valley. For information please call 530-615-4155.
Gold Country Stamp Club
Is grandpa’s old stamp collection in the attic gathering dust? Bring it in and we will help you sort the trash from the treasure, the gems from the junk, the extraordinary from the … well you get the idea. If you are considering selling these family treasures, for say some new transportation, we could help you decide if you’ll be browsing for a beamer or haggling over pre-owned sneakers. On the other hand, maybe you would rather pick up where grandpa left off and fill in some of those blank spaces. We can help with that too! We’re Gold Country Stamp Club and we meet from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on the first and third Thursdays of each month at the Eskaton Recreation Center at 645 Eskaton Circle in Grass Valley. Everyone is welcome. For more information call 530-477-0108.
Families and Friends of People with Memory Loss
An ongoing support group, “Families and Friends of People with Memory Loss,” meets from 1 to 2:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month at Eskaton Village. The group is facilitated by Barbara Larsen, the creator and author of Movement with Meaning. Larson has been working in the field of dementia care for 30 years and is the chair and founding member of the Elder-Care Providers’ Coalition of Nevada County. Meetings include tips on how to communicate effectively with a loved one or friend with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia. Information on local resources is also available.
Thursday Bingo
Come join us for a fun filled evening of Bingo at the Grass Valley Elks No. 538, 109 School St., Grass Valley. Food available in kitchen at 5 p.m. Help yourself to free coffee. Bingo starts at
6:30 p.m. For more information 530-273-9228.
Grass Valley Daughters of the Nile, Chapt. 4
We are an international fraternal organization for women 18 years or older, who are related by birth or marriage to Shriner, Master Mason or Daughter of the Nile, or is a majority member in good standing of a Masonic-related organization for girls; or who was a patient, with or without Shrine or Masonic relationship, at a Shriners Hospital for Children. Founded in Seattle in 1913, members total 25,000 in 136 cities throughout the U.S. and Canada. The members are proud of their long association with Shriners International and their continuing support of Shriners Hospital for Children. We meet at 11:30 a.m. On the second Tuesday of each month at the Madison Masonic Temple for fellowship followed by a bring-your-own lunch at noon. For more information on membership, contact Jeanne Allgeier at 530-273-8359. We welcome new members with open arms.
Food Addicts in Recovery
Are you having trouble controlling the way you eat? Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) is a free twelve step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, under-eating or bulimia. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. on Thursdays at Auburn Grace Community Church, 3126 Olympic Way, Room 204, in Auburn. For more information or a list of additional meetings throughout the U.S. and the world, call 781-932-6300 or locally at 530-885-4292, or visit http://www.foodaddicts.org.
Roamin’ Angels Car Club
Established in 1962, the Roamin’ Angels Car Club is an icon both within the hobby and the community. We are dedicated to promoting the preservation of classic, vintage and historic vehicles but with the recent changes to our bylaws you no longer have to own a pre-1973 American made classic to belong to our club. We meet at 7 a.m. every Friday at Penny’s Diner in Grass Valley, across from B & C Hardware in the Fowler Center. We also meet at 5 p.m. the first and third Wednesday of each month at the Grass Valley Round Table Pizza next to Staples. A love of old cars and having fun is all you need to join the Roamin’ Angels. New friends, lots of car talk, day trips, mystery tours, progressive dinners, and our annual Cruisin’ the Pines Car Show are just some of the adventures that await you. Want to help our community? We have held our Annual Christmas Toy Drive for over 25 years and our Scholarship/Education Program has provided financial assistance to our local youth for close to 20 years. Come on down and find out more about one of the oldest and largest Car Clubs in Northern California. Visit our website at http://www.Roaminangels.com.
The Nevada County Healing Through Loss and Grief Support Group
We meet at the FREED office, 2059 Nevada City Highway, Suite 104 in Grass Valley. Anyone who has experienced a significant emotional loss, whether current or from the past, is welcome. There is no charge to participate, but members join only several times a year. For more information, visit http://www.LossAndGrief.org.
High Sierra Corvette Club
Corvette owners, if you are interested in Corvette runs, social events, food, laughter, racing events, and all around car club fun, then High Sierra Corvette Club has something to offer you. Our club meetings are held monthly on the third Thursday at Apple Alley Cafe, located at the Brunswick “Y” — Colfax Highway. The meetings begin at 6 p.m. Arrive early for social hour or if you want to eat before the meeting. All Corvette enthusiasts are invited to attend our meetings and see what we are all about! For more information, please visit http://www.highsierracorvettes.org or call Hank Bradanini at 530-273-1285.
Alienated Grandparents Anonymous
Do you feel alienated from your grandchildren? You are not alone. Please consider joining our support group at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 235 S. Church St., Grass Valley. We hope you to see you at future meetings to:
• Be encouraged.
• Learn more about AGA Nevada County California and AGA International mission and goals.
• Establish regular meetings and event(s) schedule.
Please invite anyone you know that is experiencing alienation or estrangement from their grandchildren to this meeting.
Knowledge is power. Understanding the complexities of alienation helps grandparents.
We focus on the struggle so many loving grandparents have in trying to be part of their grandchildren’s lives. AGA offers strategies for repairing, rebuilding, and healing these relationships. AGA offers coping skills to help manage the devastating emotional pain of being disconnected from our grandchildren. You are not suffering alone.
AGA is a 501c3 nonprofit founded in 2011. It has a presence in all 50 states in the U.S. and 13 countries. For more information, visit http://www.aga-fl.org, email MyAGA.NevadaCounty@gmail.com or visit Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Alienated-Grandparents-Anonymous-Nevada-County-California-316925188659157.
Gather the Women of Nevada County
We are a global sisterhood that connects women through circles. We create safe spaces to share our true selves. Meeting in circles, we find our voices, claim our power, and celebrate self worth, leading to personal and planetary transformation. Some examples of our circles are drumming, organic culinary arts and feasting, practical well-being, women studies book circle and looking within for personal and spiritual growth. For more information, visit http://www.gatherthewomen.org or call Marceline at 530-615-4018.
Peripheral Neuropathy Support Group
Peripheral neuropathy, a result of damage to the peripheral nerves, often causes weakness, numbness and pain, usually in the hands and feet. It can be very painful and can also affect other areas of the body. For more information on the next meeting, call 530-268-1017.
Marijuana Anonymous
Has smoking pot stopped being fun? Some of us have found marijuana controls our lives. Our dreams go up in smoke … Marijuana Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share experience, strength and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others recover from marijuana addiction. We meet every Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Room 106 at CORR, 180 Sierra College Drive in Grass Valley.
Le Tip
We are a professional organization of men and women dedicated to the highest standards of exchange of business tips. The Gold Country lunch chapter meets at Kane’s on Wednesdays from 11:46 a.m. to 1:01 p.m. Call 530-263-6094 for more details.
Gold Country Trails Council (GCTC)
GCTC is a nonprofit organization that was formed in 1981 to develop, maintain and protect non-motorized recreational trails in the Tahoe National Forest and the Sierra Foothills area for public use and enjoyment. Today, it is the Sierra’s largest community of active equestrians. GCTC hosts trail work days, horse camp outs, day rides, barbecues, the big ice cream social and Thanksgiving Holiday Feast. General meetings are on the second Tuesday of every other month at 7 p.m. and include fascinating speakers and presentations. New members and guests are welcome. For complete information and full calendar of events, visit http://www.GoldCountryTrailsCouncil.org.
SIR’s (Sons in Retirement Branch 55)
Renew old friendships and make new friends through our monthly luncheons and organized activities (some activities include spouses or significant other). Activities are base on member’s interests: wine tasting, bocce ball, pool, bowling, golf, fishing, and many more. We invite men of ALL AGES that are semi-retired or retired looking to meet new friends and participate in fun activities. We are a 501-(c)4 non-profit men’s organization that has been established for over 60 years. We meet for lunch the THIRD TUESDAY of every month at the Grass Valley Moose Lodge (non affiliated host), located at 15694 Allison Ranch Rd. Lunch is at noon. Stick around afterwards for billiards/pool! Come alone or bring a guest. Joining is free and there are no dues. Come join us, no reservation necessary. (Cost of lunch includes salad, main course and desert) Come check us out! For further information if needed. Email: sir55grassvalley@gmail.com or call Hershel Golden at 530-272-3378. More information about SIR’s can be found at http://www.sirinc.org.
American Chronic Pain Association
We meet monthly to facilitate peer support and education for individuals with chronic pain and their families. The group hosts knowledgeable speakers on a regular basis who give helpful information on ways to live more fully in spite of pain. Group members also share experiences as well as support and encourage one another. The American Chronic Pain Association meets at 1 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month in the Gold Room at Hilltop Commons Senior Community. For more information, contact Jeanne Spring at 530-432-0247.
American Legion Auxiliary Frank Gallino Unit 130
Last month, members traveled to Yountville to visit the largest veterans’ home in California, the Veterans’ Home of California, founded in 1884. After a tour of the buildings and grounds we met with the Poppy Production Team and learned about the Poppy Making program.
Blue Star Mothers of America, Chapt. 12
We meet at 10 a.m. on the third Saturday of the month at Paulette’s Country Kitchen in Grass Valley. If you are a mother, adoptive mother, stepmother, foster mother, grandmother or legal guardian who has a son or daughter who is serving, or has been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of the United States, we invite you to join us. For information, visit http://www.sierranevadabsma.org or email bsmaca12@earthlink.net.
Nevada County Freethinkers
Reason and rationality in the foothills — we welcome freethinkers, humanists, atheists, skeptics, and anyone looking to make a connection with other like minded people in our community. During our meetings we discuss how we arrived at our worldview and the difficulties we may have with friends and family who have trouble understanding our views, we review and discuss articles and other media about our views, and generally just have an enjoyable time together. For more information, visit http://www.meetup.com/Nevada-County-Freethinkers.
The Marine Corps League, Gold Country Detachment of #885 of Nevada County
Calling all Marines! Join us for our meetings at 6 p.m. on the first Monday of every month at the Veterans Memorial Building in Grass Valley. Look for the Marine Corps’ flag and yellow footprints at the bottom of the stairs at the rear of the building. For more information, call Al Hernandez at 530-864-2480.
Credit: Source link