Christmas greetings from Archbishop, Auxiliary Bishops  – Catholic Philly


Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez

(Para leer el mensaje en español, haga clic aquí.)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Glory to the newborn king!

As we celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord, we listen joyfully to the Angel say, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy . . .a savior has been born for you.”

The miracle of Christ’s birth fills our minds and hearts with a tremendous awe for the love God who made the word flesh. It inspires us to show gratitude by accepting and reflecting that most pure love.

You radiate that love when you recognize the face of Christ in those around you and serve them, especially those most in need. The simple acts of kindness and charity you show to fellow parishioners, neighbors, family, and friends compounds with the good deeds of others to build God’s kingdom on earth. During this joyful season, may the light radiating from the Christ child’s manger kindle the spirit of Missionary Discipleship in your hearts.

Know that you and your families are remembered in all of the Masses celebrated at Christmas this year.

May God bless you with a joyous Christmas as well as a Happy, Healthy, and Holy New Year!

Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D. D.
Archbishop of Philadelphia

Most Reverend Timothy C. Senior
Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia

Most Reverend John J. McIntyre
Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia

Most Reverend Michael J. Fitzgerald
Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia

Most Reverend Edward M. Deliman
Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia

Credit: Source link

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