Chadian Bishops’ Christmas message: Let’s build a new society. Chadian Bishops have presented their traditional Christmas message with a call for a stop to inter-communal conflicts.
French Africa & English Africa Service – Vatican City
The five-member Episcopal Conference of Chad (Conférence Episcopale du Tchad), at the end of their December plenary, have issued their traditional Christmas message at a press briefing held in the capital, N’Djamena.
Delivering the message on behalf of the Bishops, Secretary-General of the Conference, Fr. Xavier Omer Kouldjim said the Bishops’ message was anchored on the need for all citizens to construct a new Chadian society based on solidarity and coexistence.
Call to end inter-communal armed conflicts
“In solidarity towards a new Chad,” is the title of the Chadian Bishops’ Christmas message 2020, Abbé Kouldjim told local media. Solidarity in the sense of speaking-up and being the voice of the voiceless in society, he explained. The Bishops also made a passionate appeal to all Chadians to build a more united and fraternal nation notwithstanding cultural and religious diversities. The Bishops urged Chadians not to tolerate divisive messages among them.
A new Chadian society rooted in solidarity
Questions from journalists revolved, among others, around challenges surrounding the day of prayer for peace, 28 November 2020; the role of the Justice and Peace Commission and the long-standing inter-communal conflicts prevalent in the country. The Secretary-General reiterated the Bishops’ call to the Head of State for the government to put an end to the fatal disputes. The Bishops said Abbé Kouldjim, also appeal to the consciences of every Chadian to embrace and construct a new Chadian society based on solidarity. It should be possible, he said, for all Chadians to live in harmony, regardless of cultural or religious differences. Every Chadian must play their part for that society to be realised, said the Secretary-General.
The COVID-19 pandemic
The Bishops, aware of the coronavirus pandemic that has claimed many victims, also had a word of hope and encouragement for those suffering or have lost loved ones to the pandemic, said Abbé Kouldjim.
(Additional reporting: Abbé Séverin Ndingatoloum)

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16 December 2020, 11:01
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