Who was Helena Kmiec?
Servant of God Helena Agnieszka Kmiec was born on Feb. 9, 1991, in Krakow. She was the second daughter of Jan Kmiec and Agnieszka Bejska. Her mother died just a few weeks after she was born.
Her father later married Barbara Zając, and Kmiec was raised “in a home full of love, warmth, and, above all, deep faith,” the edict noted.
Beginning in 1998, she attended primary and secondary schools run by the Association of Catholic Educators in Libiąż, Poland. She then spent two years on a scholarship in the United Kingdom. From 2009–2014 she studied engineering at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Poland.
The edict noted that Kmiec went “to holy Mass almost every day while she was a student, which for her was a very important time of the day.”
At the university, she learned about the Salvator Missionary Volunteer Service of the Congregation of Salvatorian Priests and became one of their missionaries. In 2012 she went to Hungary to run a summer camp for children; in 2013 she was sent to Zambia, where she worked with street children; and in 2014 she went to Romania, where she served young people.
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