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Catholic communicators in Africa satisfied with Webinar Several Catholic communicators in Africa have expressed general satisfaction with the Webinar held Friday to commemorate 70 years of Vatican Radio English language broadcasts to Africa.
English Africa Service – Vatican City
Notwithstanding technical glitches here and there, Friday afternoon’s two -hour virtual forum that sought to engage Catholic Communicators in Africa had several participants expressing reasonable satisfaction with the event. Here below is a sample of some of the post-webinar sentiments received so far.
Some of the Comments
“Thanks, Vatican Radio for this initiative,” priest from Ghana
“Tuko pamoja. I was happy to see and hear Fr. Lombardi. He is like a legend," Bishop in Africa.
“Good turn out from Catholic media people. There is need to train participants with Zoom technology. Switching on and off microphones!”- media practitioner, in Africa. (The system in use was webex)
“Vatican Radio means so much to us in Africa,” African ambassador.
“The speakers were very prepared. Thank you, Africa,” Nigerian religious sister.
“Once again, Nigerians dominated. Next time try to balance pleaseee!” African observer.
“I really want to thank and congratulate the African team at Vatican Radio and SIGNIS. African communication is headed in a good direction. Thank you for inviting us although technology played tricks on us, things went well,” Bishop, South Africa.
“Fr Lombardi inspired me,” lecturer, Mozambique.
“Very much wanted to see the lady who presented from South Africa. Not just hear her voice,” Zambia layperson.
“How can I get the full presentations? I am a student of media,” African student in the United States.
“Saw our Archbishop Zolile (Mpambani),” South Africa layperson.
“Insightful content but frustrating in some parts because of connection difficulties,” African journalist in the UK.
“This could be an annual event. Keep up the momentum,” Togo layperson.
“As you said, I feel part of something bigger -listening to all these great men and women,” Namibian layperson.
“Bishop Badejo’s response to the two questions were very elucidating. His analogy of the encounter between King David and Prophet Nathan and that of Jesus Christ before Pontius Pilate..are lucid examples of how to present tensed situations subtly and diplomatically,” Nigerian media practitioner
“Please thank the Nigerian Sisters for their witness, “Charismatic member, Zambia.

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18 July 2020, 11:34
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