Cardinal George Pell spent roughly 400 days in prison charged with sexual assault. He was later acquitted and is now back in Rome. Rome Correspondent, Colm Flynn had the opportunity to sit down one-on-one with him. When asked what it was like to be accused and convicted of sexual abuse, Cardinal Pell said it was not pleasant, but “the great differences between us and people without religion is that we believe in some mysterious way suffering can be turned to good. And it also helps to realize that ultimately there’s one judgement that’s supremely important and that’s before the good God when you die.” The cardinal explains the challenges and struggles he faced within himself. Pell also shares whether he believes there was a link between the work he was doing overseeing the finances of the Vatican, the restructuring and the opposition he was coming up against while doing his work and the sudden accusations that appeared in Australia. Rome Correspondent, Colm Flynn reports.
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