He added that he especially encouraged his brother bishops to contact Biden, Pelosi, and other elected officials to urge them to “not enact any laws or policies that would promote abortion.”
At the same time, he stressed the need to support and walk with pregnant women in difficult situations.
“I encourage all of our priests at a parish level to provide assistance for women who are pregnant and especially contemplating abortion,” he said, “like offering them financial assistance, especially having mothers visit these women, praying with them, offering to help them with their many household needs and providing resources within their community.”
In his pastoral statement, Pfeifer called on pro-lifers in general to speak out in defense of the personhood of the unborn. The pro-life movement, beginning with the bishops, he added, should also show more concern for women who are struggling with a pregnancy issue.
“Personhood of the unborn is the fundamental issue along with the true meaning of motherhood as the abortion discussion continues,” he said.
He also called on dioceses to unite in pro-life advocacy.
“Every diocese should bring together our people at a parish level, to service God’s great plan of love for each unborn and born person,” he wrote. “And, for families and to build a society and an economy that supports marriages and families where every woman has the support and resources she needs to bring her child into this world in love.”
In particular, he asked pro-lifers to support pregnancy-resource centers that help both mothers and children in need and to get involved politically.
“All pro-lifers need to work with governors and elected officials of each state to enact legislation that will provide financial, social, human support for all women during pregnancy, covering hospital costs, and providing the necessary health, financial, and educational assistance for each newborn child throughout childhood,” he added.
He pointed to Texas, which passed a “heartbeat” abortion ban while, at the same time, provided millions of dollars in assistance to mothers and children in need.
Pfeifer emphasized that science supports Catholic teaching on human life.
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“That the precious unborn children of God are truly human beings, persons, has been our Catholic belief for ages, and recently scientific technology has over and over confirmed our belief that a new human being begins at conception,” Pfeifer wrote.
The unborn child in the womb has its own, unique DNA — and an eternal soul, he wrote.
“This little one shouts out, ‘I am fearfully, wonderfully made,’” he said, citing Psalm 139.
“May we commit ourselves to Christ and his mother with urgent prayer, fasting, dialogue, and pastoral action so that our country and every state will uphold the dignity of each unborn child,” he concluded, before adding in all caps: “THE UNBORN ARE COUNTING ON US.”
Read the full text of the bishop emeritus’ pastoral letter below.
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