Are humans still made in God’s image?
Many find the idea of humans being created in the image/likeness of God a great thought to make the world a better place; eliminating all prejudices; inspiring us to be more responsible; and nurturing cooperation, equality and fellowship.
Some are not convinced. As “other” humans are also made in God’s image, so all humans should be loving and treating each other with dignity and respect. “How can it be true in view of the presence of so many conflicts in the world?” they ask.
Many questions are raised: Are all of us deserving of God’s image? Are we permitted to alter or transform this image? Does God have similar features as humans? How can the humans be in the image of something whose existence itself is questionable and who is invisible? Whether one is a good or a bad human being; is he or she still considered created in God’s image and as holy as God?
Few find it an attempt to elevate humans and differentiate humans from other creatures.
Some may not want to be like God, because of the complexities attached to it.
The ancient Shvetashvatara Upanishad points out:
He is this boy, he is that girl, he is
This man, he is that woman, and he is
This old man, too, tottering on his staff.
His face is everywhere.
We asked our panel: Are humans still made in God’s image?
God is the same yesterday, today and forever
Micheal L. Peterson, northwest Nevada media specialist, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The likeness of humans to God is emphasized in the first chapter of Genesis: “God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness … So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them” (Genesis 1: 26-27). The first commandment He gave to Adam and Eve was to “be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth” (Genesis 1:28). This commandment has never been rescinded and is in full force today. It is given that all the spirit children of God, some yet in the spirit world, will have an opportunity to come to earth for a physical body (in the image of God) and to be tried in preparation for an even greater glory. God has said “this is my work and my glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39).
Every single one
Dawn M. Blundell, senior pastor, Epworth United Methodist Church, Fallon
According to the priestly poet who wrote Genesis 1, every human being is made in the image of God. The question is, what does that mean exactly, and does it matter? In my own Christian tradition, it means that every human being is physically beautiful, each wonderfully different body a facet of God’s own perfect beauty. It means that every mind and personality is beautiful, created with intention by God. It means that every soul is beautiful, because each one is literally born of God, a child of God, who longs for connection and relationship with God and other human beings. None of this means perfection: these beautiful minds and bodies and spirits also carry the results of illness and injury, flawed understanding and terrible mistakes. But though we are not God we remain deeply beloved by God, and called through Jesus Christ into healing and wholeness.
Perhaps just a divine spark
F. Kevin Murphy, Sunday Forum chair, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Nevada
Because of our principle of freedom of belief within the denomination, Unitarian Universalists do not agree on the nature of God. Many would emphasize the knowable, namely the human. Many would espouse a divine spark within all humans. The question seems to presume that humans were once made in the image of God, and might have changed. UUs would emphasize the inherent worth and dignity of all persons, our first principle, which is also reflected in the United Nations Charter. We are forced to acknowledge that both selfish and altruistic, both good and evil instincts inhere in human nature. Striving for justice, peace, truth, kindness and compassion is how we brighten that divine spark. Jesus said “Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” The perfectibility of human nature is a process, perhaps unachievable, but history would suggest that we have made progress and have a long way to go.
Becoming G-d’s image
ElizaBeth Webb Beyer, Jewish rabbi
Humans are distinguished from animals by being created in G-d’s image (Genesis 1:26). Some commentators argue this is related to our physical form having G-d’s likeness. Many see this verse as related to human spiritual qualities such as consciousness, understanding, insight, reason, free will and self-determination. Rabbi Abraham Heschel says it means that G-d and humans are interdependent and inextricably linked. This echoes others who say that it means that humans are a corporeal representative of the invisible, bodyless G-d.
Rabbi David Seidenberg gives a wonderful explanation of transcendent G-d becoming immanent through humankind: “God’s creative pattern, as big as the universe, expressed in all its detail within the human frame, is a kind of miracle …This pattern is the divine image.” Maimonides says that the human intellect resembles the divine intellect, allowing us to commune with G-d. He holds that transformation into an image of G-d requires us to imitate G-d’s ways.
Our souls bear God’s image
Stephen R. Karcher, presiding priest, Saint Anthony Greek Orthodox Church
Humankind is a distinct creation having a higher purpose than all the rest. We are made to be stewards of God’s material world, caring for it, maintaining it in its integrity and perfecting it by opening it up to God through our own deification. We have been made to live in Him, to glorify Him, to perfect ourselves in His likeness, and to become chief priests of the natural world. We receive the image of God with our existence, which has become the reason why the devil and his angels, out of jealousy, seek to destroy human beings whom they hate. Because this image has been tarnished by our own falling away from God’s love, it must be restored through baptism, which reestablishes communion with God. Having now received a spiritual rebirth, we can grow into the divine likeness by acquiring the gifts of the Holy Spirit, if we want.
Created out of love
Nancy Lee Cecil, Baha’i teacher
Humans still are, and have always been, created in God’s image. Consider:
“Veiled in My immemorial being and in the ancient eternity of my essence, I knew My love for thee; therefore, I created thee, and have engraved on thee Mine image and revealed to thee my beauty.”
In the above passage from Baha’u’llah’s Hidden Words, God calls on every human being to realize how they were created, just as He did in the Torah in Genesis I, verse 26: “So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them, male and female; He created them.”
Specifically, Baha’u’llah tells us that our creation emanated directly out of God’s love for us. Baha’u’llah confirms that “love” — the great unexplained mystery of the universe — led to our birth as a species, and also fuels our human need for self-understanding and an innate quest for spiritual answers.
We still bear God’s image
Steve Bond, co-lead pastor, Summit Christian Church, Sparks
The Bible teaches this: “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27) To bear the image of God means that human beings have the ability to experience a love relationship with God, the moral capacity to choose right from wrong and the capacity to design and create new things.
Humans are still made in God’s image. From the moment of conception, every human being bears the sacred image of our Creator.
However, this image has been marred by sin. Sin infected the human race when the first human couple willfully chose to disobey God’s loving wisdom. The consequences of that decision continue to reverberate in the selfishness and disobedience which is rife throughout the world.
Part of the redeeming work of Jesus includes restoring the image of God in those who accept his grace.
An imageless deity
Kenneth G. Lucey, philosophy/religion professor emeritus, University of Nevada
Given the traditional Judeo-Christian concept of God, there is no coherent concept of an “image of God.” Human beings have physical bodies and those bodies have physical images. The standard concept of God is of something entirely immaterial and immaterial objects do not have physical images. To see the point here, consider the traditional concept of numbers, which are conceived to be abstract objects. Numerals name numbers, and numerals have images, but numbers do not. Historically the images of God (when there have been any) have actually been images of men. Presumably an all-powerful God, if He so desired, could embody Himself in anything He wished, whether that be a burning bush or human man. So, the answer to the question asked is that humans have never been made in God’s image, but rather any images of God have always been images of men or of some other physical object.
Sharing few attributes
Sherif A. Elfass, president, Northern Nevada Muslim Community
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Allah created Adam in His image.” This does not mean, however, that Adam (PBUH) resembles Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) says in the Quran about Himself: “There is nothing like Him” (42:11). Creating Adam in God’s image refers to the fact that they both share some attributes. But even though, these attributes are not identical. For example, Allah (SWT) has eyes (11:37), hands (38:75) and feet, but they are by no means resemble our eyes, hands and feet. Humans are sometimes merciful, but their mercy is nothing compared to Allah’s. Allah (SWT) has attributes that befit His Majesty and Might, and humans have attributes that befit them. Human attributes are finite and deficient, whereas Allah’s attributes are endless and perfect. The core of the Muslim belief is that none of the attributes of Allah (SWT) can be likened to the attributes of any created beings.
Still? Always!
Robert W. Chorey, curia moderator and chancellor, Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno
Does the earth still revolve around the sun? Does the smell of rain on hot sage still smell awesome? Truth, capital “T,” never changes. God created humankind in God’s own image. This can’t be withdrawn otherwise we cease to be human.
Christianity remains positive towards humankind because of this truth. Humanity’s journey becomes to fulfill this image, to become the best of human persons. Jesus Christ, fully divine and fully human, exemplifies our journey; gives us the way to realize our humanity; and empowers us through grace to enhance our humanity.
Catholics share this message and work so that every human person, whether newly formed in the womb or at the end of a natural life; healthy, sick, imprisoned, poor or rich has the freedom to realize their potential as an image of God. Because this mission is a reality of God, therefore is part of our own humanity.
We’re not 3D selfies!
Matthew T. Fisher, resident priest, Reno Buddhist Center
The idea that an unknowable uber-being residing in a great darkness somehow fashioned only homo sapiens in his own image is narcissistic in the extreme. It is certainly not a rational basis for the origin of a species. Supreme executive power in the Universe derives from masses of causes and conditions we call the Dharmadhatu, not from some ill-defined gloom residing sculptor. If you made billions of animated 3D-selfie figurines, walking and talking just like you, they would lock you up in the happy-house – for eternity!
All sentient beings in the universe are subject to suffering from clinging to self. They can be released from suffering by following the Dharma Path. The idea that just humans, specifically, were molded in the image of a god or gods is not part of our worldview. All beings that suffer from the bondage of selfishness can overcome it.
Humans are reflections in God’s Image
Swami Vedananda, Hindu monk
According to the Hindu tradition, whatever is seen to exist is our human, limited interpretation of God’s reality as it is perceived by our senses and our mind. According to a statement in one of our most ancient scriptures, that which exists is one, divine, but the holy ones, those who know this reality, describe it in different ways. In other words, everything, not only humans, is to be seen to be “made in God’s image,” as the unchanging reality of God perceived through our limited senses and mind. At the heart of every changing thing is God’s reality, which never changes. Humans especially are to be seen as made in God’s image because God’s reality is said to dwell in the hearts of all beings and is said to be most easily felt to exist there. The human heart is compared, as it were, to the throne of God.
Next week’s topic: Can we prove that God exists?
Faith Forum is a weekly dialogue on religion produced by religious statesman Rajan Zed. Send questions or comments to or on Twitter at @rajanzed.
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