The assembly will be composed of various working groups in order to address the “liturgical formation from Sacrosanctum Concilium to Desiderio Desideravi” for ordained ministers as well as “liturgical training courses for the people of God.” It will also “provide bishops with practical suggestions for developing pastoral projects in their dioceses with the aim of putting into practice the reflections of the papal document.”
The members of the plenary assembly will also be received by the Holy Father in an audience.
Sacrosanctum Concilium, or the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, promulgated by St. Paul VI on Dec. 4, 1963, focused on laying the groundwork for Paul VI’s 1969 apostolic constitution Missale Romanum, which introduced the ordinary form of the Mass, also known as the novus ordo.
The dicastery’s meeting will seek to bring a synthesis between the seminal conciliar document and Desiderio Desideravi, the latter of which highlighted the centrality of the liturgy in the life of Catholics while also underscoring the need to be faithful to the liturgical forms of the Second Vatican Council.
Emphasizing the importance of “a serious and dynamic liturgical formation,” Pope Francis noted in that document that “it would be trivial to read the tensions, unfortunately present around the celebration, as a simple divergence between different tastes concerning a particular ritual form.”
The pope also stressed that the principles stated in Sacrosanctum Concilium have been fundamental for the reform of the liturgy and continue to be fundamental for the promotion of its “full, conscious, active, and fruitful celebration.”
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