What was making news in our area during this week in years past? The History Museum offers these newspaper excerpts to give you an idea.
Jan. 29, 1907: “The observance of Carnation Day in honor of the memory of President William McKinley was quite general, and many people were seen wearing the favorite flower of the martyred president, while others used them in decorations at their homes.” — The South Bend Tribune
Jan. 30, 1911: “Joseph D. Oliver, head of the Oliver plow works of this city, has given out an emphatic denial to a sensational report telegraphed from Ottawa, Can., to the effect that the first result of the pending reciprocal treaty between the United States and Canada, was an order from South Bend suspending operations in the erection of a million dollar plow plant at Hamilton, Can., thereby throwing 1,000 men out of work.” — The South Bend Tribune
Jan. 31, 1928: “Work has been completed on the redecoration of the interior of the Main room of the First National bank, Main street and Lincoln Way. A combination of buff, ivory, blue and gold has been employed in the ceiling and walls, adding not only a note of vastness but of unusual beauty to the appearance of the banking hall.” — The South Bend Tribune
Feb. 1, 1930: “South Bend will be the residence of Stanley (Coveleski,) retired big league moundsman, beginning next Monday. ‘Covie’ has bought a (gasoline) station at 1012 West Division street, near Laurel street, and is moving here from his home town, Shamokin, Pa., to take care of the business. His family will follow in June.” — The South Bend Tribune
Feb. 2, 1941: “A list of periodicals considered detrimental to morals will be distributed among South Bend and Mishawaka magazine dealers this week by the vigilance committee of the South Bend deanery, National Council of Catholic Women in an effort, to secure the dealers’ cooperation in riding the stands of indecent publications.” — The South Bend Tribune
Feb. 3, 1955: “The Bendix Aviation Co. today described an electronic device it says maintains the proper quality of ink in delicate printing processes. The color of ink used in printing sometimes changes due to evaporation of solvents and temperature and humidity variations in press rooms.” — The South Bend Tribune
Feb. 4, 1960: “Mrs. Jack H. Cole, chairman for the May Breakfast and fine arts festival to be given May 11 by the art music department of the Progress Club, entertained her planning committee at dessert Wednesday afternoon in her home, 1811 Brookmede Dr. This will be the first fine arts festival of art, music and dance to be presented by the department.” — The South Bend Tribune
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