Spitzer, the popular host of the EWTN show “Father Spitzer’s Universe,” delivered Friday’s keynote address for the opening of the Wonder Conference, organized by the Catholic media apostolate Word on Fire, which kicked off today in Grapevine, Texas.
Citing a Pew Research study, Spitzer said that despite the many young people leaving organized religion, young scientists are, on the whole, becoming more likely to say they believe in God, or at least a higher power.
In the survey Spitzer cited, two-thirds of scientists aged 35 and younger declared themselves believers in God or a higher transcendent power. Overall, 51% of all scientists surveyed believe in God, a figure that is “trending upwards, not down,” Spitzer said.
Spitzer also noted that in recent years, several prominent atheist scientists on the world stage — such as Richard Dawkins — are now claiming to be agnostic. The reason for this, Spitzer believes, is that “evidence is starting to emerge” about God’s existence, buoyed by scientific discovery.
“God is being very, very crafty here. And he’s slowly lifting the veil,” Spitzer said.
“Science is pointing to a Creator … I think this has been awaiting discovery for many, many years,” Spitzer told the in-person crowd and those watching online.
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