If I did not exist, would the world look different?
Many would emphasize that your existence matters because of your: accomplishments, ambitions, charity, contributions, creativity, distinct approach, efforts at enhancing others’ lives, helpfulness, impact on others you leave behind, influence, inner beauty, kind words, memories in others’ hearts, positive effects, role in inspiring others, uniqueness, etc.
They also insist: People might call you worthless, but it is not true. Listen to your heart and nothing else. Little things sometimes accomplish more than big things. Your soul is yours only. There is a reason that you exist. You are an inseparable link in a huge chain.
They add: God created you to make a difference, chose to send you here, and gave you value and worth. Do not let God down by doubting your value. Always remember — you matter to God.
Another line of thought: My life is of little consequence. About 278 humans are born every minute and in the grand scheme, I am just one of about 8 billion. There is no justification for my meaningless existence.
It goes on: We function at a highly microscopic level. Many of us are confused. Finding meaning of life and decoding the grand design is beyond the reach of many, who just spend their whole lives finding themselves and their purpose. Many of us just shower, work, eat, sleep, repeat. Many of us do not make any dent and vanish without much trace. Nothing matters as there is meaninglessness all around.
But few are of the opinion: A happy life does not require an aim, a mission, a purpose.
We asked our panel: Does my life really matter?
Of course
Gaia Brown, member, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Nevada
As a Humanistic (among other theologies) religion, Unitarian Universalism holds the “worth and dignity of every individual” as its first Principle. So of course, my life matters . . . but no more than any other life. In fact, along with the imperative to make the most of my life, I am called to help others do the same. The more I live into this challenge, the more my life matters.
When I was actively working as a religious educator, my greatest joy was in being a catalyst for the transformation and growth of others, children and adults. Now I find meaning in doing justice work that allows others to grow to their potential. And I hope thereby to leave a kinder, safer world for my children and grandchildren. In the words of Mary Oliver, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
Each life matters
ElizaBeth Webb Beyer, Jewish rabbi
Each individual’s life is significant, precious, and holy. G-d tells us to “Choose life!” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Souls come to Earth for many purposes. Each one is unique to that individual and cannot be duplicated by others.
For some, their destiny could be to teach a certain person about life or love. For others, it might be to create a particular situation. Everything we think, say and do has repercussions. Every moment is significant. It creates a momentum for the following moments. How we choose to spend our time makes a difference. If we learn the lessons set forth for us, then our soul accomplishes its mission. Our overarching goal is summed up by G-d who says, “Make for Me a sanctuary, so that I may dwell within them” (Exodus 25:8). In other words, create yourself to be a vessel for divinity. Make a little progress on that goal each day.
Your life matters
Stephen R. Karcher, presiding priest, Saint Anthony Greek Orthodox Church
Meaningful life is experienced by our connection with others. It’s “we, not me” because our lives are knit together, and “we tear at this fabric to our destruction,” as one priest has pointed out: “God has intentionally created us to be persons in communion, not simply as individuals.”
We grow and mature in the company of others, and in this communion, we will discover our own personal value. This is one reason we say the goal and meaning of our existence is found in “that greatest of all social realities, the Church.” There is also a well-known centuries-old phrase that expresses this same reality: “My neighbor is my life.” Our survival literally depends on our connection and communion with our brothers and sisters. We are made for communion. We are not islands unto ourselves, and by learning to serve and love others we learn that our lives matter too.
We are all George Baileys
Nancy Lee Cecil, Baha’i teacher
In movie “It’s a Wonderful Life,” an ordinary small-town businessman ruminates on this very question and is shown what a difference his life has made because of his many small kindnesses. Similarly, Abdu’l-Baha tells us, “He whom the grace of the mercy of God aideth, though he be but a drop, shall become the boundless ocean …” The Baha’i Writings further tell us, “Man is, in reality, a spiritual being, and only when he lives in the spirit is he truly happy.” To matter, then, we must become more spiritual.
We can all, no matter how insignificant we feel, make a difference! But we make a difference in this life not by our accumulation of wealth or by obtaining power, for we then simply want more and more. But by becoming more spiritual — by showing compassion and goodwill to all of humankind and by rendering service to humanity — we all matter.
With Christ, yes
Bryan Smith, lead pastor, Summit Christian Church, Sparks
The effectiveness of our life is dependent upon our measuring rod. The issue is that our values and measuring tools vary. Plus, we like to grade on a curve! The result is a moving target and a propensity to settle in life.
Christ beckons us to come and find our best lives in him. His perfect life becomes the yardstick upon which we measure our lives. His ways become our ways and in that we find fulfillment and the best life we could live. He is the Creator who has designed up for good works (Ephesians 2:10) that give our lives purpose, value and meaning.
Left on our own, our lives will not amount to much. However, when our lives are hidden in Christ with Him empowering us, we will find a life far greater than we could have imagined. His grace and love move us toward greater.
Life is precious
Kenneth G. Lucey, philosophy/religion professor emeritus, University of Nevada
The question posed is one of values. Surely a life of value really matters. Our discussion must begin by distinguishing between instrumental and intrinsic value. Then one must consider the concept of a life. That requires distinguishing between one’s life at a moment versus one’s life overall. Something is intrinsically valuable only if it is valued in and of itself. Something has instrumental value just in case it is worthwhile for something it produces or causes. Determining the value of a life at a moment is very different from evaluating one’s life overall. One might easily think that one’s life overall has been very valuable while not valuing that life at a particular moment, such as when suffering from a terminal illness. I can say without hesitation my life really continues to matter based on what I value, viz. family, health, friends and achievements.
My choice
Sherif A. Elfass, member, Northern Nevada Muslim Community
Allah (SWT) created man for Himself and created everything for man (2:29, 45:13). Man was created for a purpose (51:56). I did not choose to be here; I was chosen to be here, which means my life has a purpose. As a human being, I have two obligations to fulfil. The first obligation is to Allah (SWT) and the second is to my fellow human beings. I know the purpose of my existence and my obligations in life, but will I act to fulfil them or not is in my hands. It is my choice to make my life matter or not. If I fulfill my obligations, or at least do my best, by being a good believer, honest and just, by helping the needy, mentoring the young, easing the pain of the sick and supporting the oppressed, then my life would have an impact and would really matter.
Every life matters
Daniel H. Mueggenborg, bishop, Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno
Every human life is a unique and unrepeatable creation. This Is not only true genetically but also spiritually and humanly. Although we may see ourselves as independent and autonomous, in reality we are fundamentally connected to others in both proximate and extended relationships of both spiritual and physical nature. As such, our individual lives matter to us, to others and to God.
Our lives matter not only because of what we do or what we own but most of all because of who we are as human beings. It would be a mistake to think that people matter solely because of their usefulness, competency, intelligence, strength or any other utilitarian criterion.
Even when someone’s impact is minimal in terms of affecting others or accomplishing something, their spiritual presence enriches the world and creates a bond of connection with others that transcends space and time.
Every life is precious
Matthew T. Fisher, resident priest, Reno Buddhist Center
Buddhism is a path of supreme optimism. Our basic tenet is that no human life or experience is to be wasted, abandoned or forgotten. All our life can be transformed into a source of vibrant life, deep wisdom and insight into compassionate living. We say, “Transform delusion into enlightenment.” Shin Buddhist luminary Rev. Unno speaks of this transformation as “bits of rubble turn into gold.”
Sure, your life may seem like a series of unfortunate events strung together by occasional happy times. But all of it is your life and all of it is there for you to learn and grow from. Many times, we develop most from challenging situations we make it through. Your life matters because only you can walk your path to enlightenment. Only your own experience will give you precious insights and abilities that will make your great contributions to the world possible.
Every life matters
Micheal L. Peterson, northwestern Nevada media specialist, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Each of our lives matter, both to God and to the world. Some people are blessed with a talent to write great novels or to practice medicine or to invent products or systems that enrich and improve the lives of others in a very obvious and powerful way. We should be aware that each one of God’s children have been given at least one spiritual gift, the scriptures mention many: the gift of discernment, the gift of compassion, the gift of listening, the gift of prophecy and many more. We all are given the ability and opportunity to affect another life or lives in a way that no other individual can. To bring children into the world and teach them correct principals is one great example. The Lord blesses His children in many ways according to their faithfulness and their needs and the needs of those they serve.
Yes. So much.
Dawn M. Blundell, senior pastor, Epworth United Methodist Church, Fallon.
The Beyond Van Gogh exhibit begins with some biography and some quotes from the artist. He struggled with mental illness, never found success or even steady work, depended on his brother to keep him from homelessness, and died of a broken heart at only 37 years old. He often felt useless, hopeless, odd, unwanted. After reading this, viewers are then immersed in and surrounded by his masses of artwork, full of life and wonder and beauty. It brought tears to think he had no idea how much he mattered.
Our community in Fallon is reeling from the suicide of a wonderful, precious, deeply loved woman at the high school last week. She may not have known, but we know how much her simple, single life mattered. How very, very much. We matter, friends, to each other, to God, to the world. So much. Please don’t doubt it.
Next week’s topic: Does real “right” and “wrong” actually exist?
Faith Forum is a weekly dialogue on religion produced by religious statesman Rajan Zed. Send questions or comments to rajanzed@gmail.com or on Twitter at @rajanzed.
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