The Creation Care Alliance of WNC, a program of MountainTrue, is hosting an Earth Day Vigil on Sunday, April 24 at the First Baptist Church of Asheville. The vigil will adopt the international Earth Day theme of “Invest in Our Planet” and will include readings, prayers, songs and information about creation care from speakers from throughout Western North Carolina. The vigil is open to people of all faiths and spiritualities.
Creation Care Alliance Earth Day Vigil
Sunday, April 24, 4 p.m.
First Baptist Church of Asheville
5 Oak St, Asheville, NC 28801
The service will be in two parts. Influenced by the work of Joanna Macy and her concept of the spiral, we will begin by naming our gratitudes. We will then consider the concept of eco-grief and hold space for the pain of the world as we honor our grief in shared community. The second part of the service will focus on the ways we are responding to the callings of creation through action. Speakers will share how their communities and congregations have been working to create a more just, sustainable and compassionate world — and how we can all join them in working to address the climate crisis, reduce single-use plastic pollution, and more. After the service, we will enjoy light refreshments and fellowship.
“After a few years of virtual celebrations, we are so grateful for the chance to gather in person for our Earth Day Vigil,” says Creation Care Alliance Director Sarah Ogletree. “I am looking forward to spending time with our community and honoring our sacred commitment to the Earth, each other, and all species. Across faith traditions, it is clear that we are called to care for one another and the fullness of this world. We are all connected. I hope you will join us on April 24th.”
Speakers and performers will include: CCAWNC Director Sarah Ogletree; French Broad Riverkeeper Hartwell Carson; Ministerio de Música Hispana of the St. Eugene Catholic Church of Asheville; Sacred Paths Counseling, Connie Burns; Bring Your Own Bag Haywood Organizers Kathy Odvody and Lori Stephens; Plastic Free WNC Equity Volunteer Jane Laping; Co-Pastor at Way in the Wilderness in Black Mountain, Rev. Kevin Bates; Old-time musician and fiddler William Ritter; Trinity Presbyterian Hendersonville Creation Care Team Leader Enrique Sanchez; and more!
About Creation Care Alliance of WNC
The Creation Care Alliance of Western North Carolina is a network of congregations and people of faith united around a moral and spiritual call to care for our neighbors and to preserve the integrity, beauty and health of God’s creation. Our champions for creation care bring practical and hopeful solutions to communities of faith by engaging hearts and minds through inspiration, education, service and advocacy. The Creation Care Alliance of WNC is a program of MountainTrue.
About MountainTrue
MountainTrue champions resilient forests, clean waters and healthy communities. We are committed to keeping our mountain region a beautiful place to live, work and play. Our members protect our forests, clean up our rivers, plan vibrant and livable communities, and advocate for a sound and sustainable future for all. MountainTrue is active in the Broad, French Broad, Green, Hiwassee, Little Tennessee, and New watersheds, and is home to the Broad Riverkeeper, French Broad Riverkeeper, Green Riverkeeper, and Watauga Riverkeeper.
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