The dictionary definition of “technology” goes something like this: “The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.”
Some feel that technology connects us, brings us the sense of comfort from online groups and provides space to be heard for introverts. It also can be a world of opportunity, and opens the door to working from home.
Others say that technology brings risks, disconnection and depreciation of self-worth; and allows fraud and hate to thrive. Some note that technology can cause distraction and replace simple pleasures, like smelling a flower.
Still others say it’s more nuanced — technology is a bad master but a great servant. Technology is not neutral; it has a morality.
The ancient Isha Upanishad points out:
“Those who lose themselves in the world, live in darkness.
“Those who try to run from it, fall into even deeper darkness.”
We asked our panel: Is technology our servant or our master?
It is up to us
Nancy Lee Cecil, Baha’i teacher
Technology presents an immense opportunity, and it can serve us if we use it in a manner which fosters human progress.
The Internet was actually foreseen by the Guardian of our faith, Shoghi Effendi, who perceived it as a way to unify humanity, a ”… mechanism of world intercommunication … (that could) embrace the whole planet, freed from national hindrances … and functioning with perfect regularity.” How prophetic were his words as, during the pandemic, Zoom gave us the capacity to keep in touch with loved ones around the globe!
On the other hand, critical thinking must be taught to children to help them use technology wisely. Many fear young people are falling prey to the rampant materialism, narcissism, and harmful behavior that pervade social media and many online platforms. Technology can serve us — as long as we use it only as a tool, in a manner that constructively advances our material and spiritual progress.
Tech needs to remain a useful tool
Bryan Smith, lead pastor, Summit Christian Church, Sparks
Almost anything can become our master, if we allow it. To quote Bob Dylan, “… you’re gonna have to serve somebody.” We are hardwired to serve something. Whether it’s our pride, our sexuality, our possessions or work — we all serve something or someone. This can include technology too. God is clear about us, his creation, serving other masters — “You are to have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3).
We are to serve God and let everything else fall in line after him. This means we have to fight to keep technology in its proper place. If technology dominates our time, sets our priorities and even our attitudes then it has moved from a useful tool in life to master. The outcome will be less than stellar. However, when God is our master technology remains a useful tool to be enjoyed in life.
Kenneth G. Lucey, philosophy/religion professor emeritus, University of Nevada
Technology is a human activity created to serve a particular purpose and, in most regards, it serves humanity to achieve the purposes for which it was devised. Sometimes people misuse technology and as a result it can be said to cause people to acquire an unhealthy addiction to the technology in question (e.g., video games, cable news addiction, etc.). Properly employed, technology can supply entertainment as well as accurate information. When misused, technology can become addictive, a source of misinformation or the source of weaponry capable of destroying society, or even humanity, completely.
The same phenomenon can be seen in modern pharmaceuticals. In the period of the current pandemic, technology has produced beneficial vaccines. But for others pharmaceutical technology has cost thousands their lives through opiate addictions. So, the answer to the question posed is “both.” Properly employed technology is our servant, and improperly employed, it can be our doom.
Our decision
Sherif A. Elfass, member, Northern Nevada Muslim Community
Technology is a broad term with multiple areas. While the focus herein is on information and communication technology, the principle can be extended to other areas.
Technology was created and developed by us to serve us. The intention was noble. However, we allowed things to turn around over time. Many of us became addicted to it. Technology is very beneficial. It made us leap forward in many aspects of life. Technology by itself is harmless and does not have the power to make us its servants. We, on the other hand, have the power to make it our master. The decision is in our hands. When we cannot break away from our phones, when we allow social media strain our family relationships, and when we allow technology to shrink or eliminate personal time, we become its servants. The decision is ours, whether we can break through our addiction or not.
Technology is a tool
Daniel H. Mueggenborg, bishop, Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno
Jesus frequently taught his disciples about the right use of material goods which would include technology. In the Gospels, Jesus instructs us to be good and faithful stewards lest we mistakenly make material goods (technology) into idols and falsely believe them to be the source of our identity, security, worth, or meaning. Only God has the power to give us our true identity and worth; no person or thing can do that.
Technology is an important instrument meant to enhance our innate value and dignity and assist us as we live out our love of God and neighbor. When technology becomes more than a tool, then it can begin to control us, and our identity loses strength.
Sadly, many people today do experience very real enslavement, especially to entertainment, communication and computing technologies. These dependencies can even become addictions that hinder rather than help them live their faith.
Take great care
Matthew T. Fisher, resident priest, Reno Buddhist Center
Commodore Perry said, “We have met the enemy and they are ours.” In this question we may feel that technology is the enemy of kindness and compassion. But we are technology and technology is us. Communications tech has reinvigorated the old ways of shame and blame. In social media, “listening to each other” has been replaced with “flaming trolls.” War technology is fearsome beyond belief. Combine these two and we are at the mercy of unbridled emotions and unprecedented violent capacity.
But life is really a flowing together of infinite causes and conditions — complexity resulting from “infinite diversity in infinite combinations,” to quote Surak. Is technology our own creation? Really, it exists by forces and causes far beyond our understanding. We contribute some, but mostly the great unfolding unfolds — in and of itself. Best we take great care and use technology in the cause of kindness and compassion.
Potential for both
Micheal L. Peterson, northwest Nevada media specialist, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Depending on how we integrate new technology into our lives, what at first seems a servant to make our lives better, can over time become our master. We need advancements in technology in order to keep progressing as a civilization, and the intent is usually just that — more efficient ways to grow our food, better health care, better communications and leisure.
All new technology is good, but the way it is managed can be counterproductive. We have an individual responsibility to use technology appropriately. None of us would want to give up our cellphones, microwaves or satellite TV, yet if not managed wisely they can become our master.
A Statista survey in February 2021 showed on average that we spend five to six hours a day on our phones. AC Nielsen determined that the average person spends over four hours a day viewing television. Servant or master?
Both servant and master
Swami Vedananda, Hindu monk
Technology is usually employed only a tool that is available to us to accomplish goals we have already set for ourselves. In that respect, it is our servant. It can also help us initially to set these goals for ourselves because it may help to bring to us knowledge and skills that expand our horizons and thereby increase the scope and range of what is possible of accomplishment.
Technology may also, in one aspect, act like a master, in that it can be used to clarify our situation and our choices in a very impersonal and dispassionate way, and thereby keep us from being overwhelmed by unjustifiable hopes and unrealistic expectations. Therefore, technology, when thoughtfully employed, represents an increase in our capabilities of judgement and of accomplishment, which becomes a significant asset provided we have previously already well-directed the compass of our lives in a spiritual direction.
Leaving space for the spirit
F. Kevin Murphy, Sunday Forum chair, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Nevada
Technology may be either servant or master or both, depending on how we choose to define our relationship with it. The danger of being controlled by technology also depends also on the sector of technology under discussion, whether scientific advances in health care, transportation, information, finance or communications technology.
The sectors that pose the greatest danger are information and communication. What counts is taking control rather than being controlled, control of our time and our attention. Technology can put us in touch with vast numbers of people 24/7, leaving us with no time for ourselves, ignoring our spirituality, and excluding the development of deep, rich relationships. We may be in touch but out of focus. By setting boundaries for technology in our lives, we can leave space for the human spirit that thrives in kindness toward others, nature’s wonders, and quiet meditation amid divine, interior places of surpassing beauty.
Partners in evolution
ElizaBeth Webb Beyer, Jewish rabbi
Technology is our partner, not our servant nor our master. Humans and technology — specifically AI (artificial intelligence) — enhance each other’s strengths. A joke or using intuition is not easy for machines and analyzing gigabytes of data is challenging for humans. We need both kinds of abilities.
AIs can be digital, or embodied in a robot to assist a human worker. They have evolved into smart, contextually aware “cobots” which can handle repetitive actions like heavy lifting while a human works on tasks requiring human judgment and fine motor skills. They are much different than tools like a hammer or wrench. Simply replacing workers in a factory is short-sighted. AI holds a key to an epic adventure where we improve existence through collaboration. We must treat AI ethically how we wish to be treated, so they learn ethics. The most improvements can be made when we work together.
Cannot live without it
Stephen R. Karcher, presiding priest, Saint Anthony Greek Orthodox Church
Technology always begins as a servant but often ends up as the master. We design tech to help us do things, to make life easier and more convenient. It takes a great imagination to think of the possibilities, and even more ingenuity to make what’s possible into reality. In doing this, we give ourselves over to technology and imagination in ways that tend to carry us away from the people and world around us.
Technology quickly proves to be a most attractive and enticing friend. Then, because of our human proclivity to addiction and obsession, we easily give ourselves over to this new friend, become servants instead of masters, and dependent on the very thing we’ve designed and created. We rely on tech to help us think, to direct us where to go, to entertain and pass the time, even to mediate relationships. How can we imagine life without it?
A mixed blessing
Dawn M. Blundell, senior pastor, Epworth United Methodist Church, Fallon.
Anything, depending how we use it, can be servant or master, tool or weapon, helpful or destructive. Technology is no exception. It begins as good, useful, thing: wonderful art and information at our fingertips, communicating across distances, all kinds of conveniences. We have all likely seen, though, how it can overtake our attention, bring out worst in us, and damage lives and relationships as any addiction can.
Interestingly enough, our increased reliance on technology these past two years may have had a certain benefit in this regard. Forced to be physically separated, some of us have found that living our life on screens isn’t real life at all. We have developed an increasing distaste for it, even as we value the conveniences. Freed from its mastery, we are rediscovering the joy of real presence with each other, and seeking to live life in all its fullness rather than in pictures.
Next week’s topic: Do soulmates exist?
Faith Forum is a weekly dialogue on religion produced by religious statesman Rajan Zed. Send questions or comments to or on Twitter at @rajanzed.
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