The pope commended the group for bringing together blind and visually impaired people who “want to walk together to live the joy of the Gospel in fellowship.”
“Today, unfortunately, we are used to perceiving only the outside of things, the most superficial aspect. Our culture says that people are worthy of interest based on their physical appearance, their clothes, their beautiful homes, their luxury cars, their social position, their wealth,” Pope Francis said.
“As the Gospel teaches us, even today the sick or disabled person, starting from his fragility, from his limitation, can be at the heart of an encounter: the encounter with Jesus, who opens to life and faith, and who can to build fraternal and supportive relationships in the Church and in society,” he said.
Pope Francis gave a reflection on the Gospel of John’s account of Jesus’ encounter with a man born blind at the Pool of Siloam.
“The paradox is this: that blind man, meeting the One who is the Light of the world, becomes able to see, while those who see, though meeting Jesus, remain blind,” the pope said.
“This paradox very often runs through our own lives and our ways of believing.”
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