The last reason, he said, concerned consecrated persons.
“They are invited to celebrate together solemnly the marvels which the Lord has accomplished in them,” he said, “to discover by a more illumined faith the rays of divine beauty spread by the Spirit in their way of life, and to acquire a more vivid consciousness of their irreplaceable mission in the Church and in the world.”
How should Catholics respond?
Catholics should recognize the day with prayer and gratitude.
“Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day,” the USCCB encourages. “May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God’s gift of their vocation.”
What is special about this year?
In recognition of the day in 2022, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life issued a letter to the world’s consecrated men and women. The prefect of the congregation, Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz, together with the secretary, Archbishop Jose Rogriguez Carballo, said that this year’s message centers on ‘participation.’”
During his homily at Mass for the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Pope Francis exclaimed: “Dear friends, today let us joyfully renew our consecration! Let us ask ourselves what ‘moves our hearts and actions, what renewed vision we are being called to cultivate, and above all else, let us take Jesus into our arms.”
“Even if at times we experience fatigue and weariness, let us do as Simeon and Anna did,” he added. “They awaited with patience the fidelity of the Lord and did not allow themselves to be robbed of the joy of the encounter with him.”
He concluded: “Let us put the Lord back in the centre, and press forward with joy.”
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