“Abortion is not health care unless one construes the precious life of an unborn child to be analogous to a tumor to be excised or a disease to be vanquished—pregnancy is not a disease,” said Smith. “Taxpayers should not be forced to subsidize abortion nor should anyone or any entity be coerced against their conscience to perform or facilitate the killing of an unborn child.”
Banks concurred, saying that removing the Hyde Amendment would be both “wrong and unpopular.”
“But today’s Democrat party only caters to their far-left base who demand the government provide taxpayer-funded abortions up until the point of birth,” he said. “Pro-life conservatives stand united against their radical agenda.”
In 2016, the Democratic National Committee’s official party platform called, for the first time, for a repeal of the Hyde Amendment.
“Taxpayers should not be forced to pay for abortion domestically or internationally,” said the letter.
“The consciences of health care providers who do not want to participate in abortion should be respected. Funding should not go to international organizations that are complicit in forced abortion and involuntary sterilization,” referring to what is commonly known as the “Mexico City Policy.”
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