The coronavirus outbreak has turned everything from every corner of the globe totally upside down. So many plans, programs and schedules have had to be canceled. Unemployment has soared dramatically, damaging economic and social activities and seriously affecting people’s lives.
The power of the deadly virus has taken more than 4 million lives and debilitated innumerable other people around the world.
These grave difficulties make people’s lives precarious and miserable. Many dominant values such as fame, fortune, social status and others that people used to hold onto are now rocked to their foundations. What is a solid fulcrum for people to face these great uncertainties?
First, each of us knows that we have confines and so do other people. Therefore, we must always rely on one another and need to live in families and in communities to survive. No one can live alone without needing others. Even though those who live alone always use food, clothes and other basic commodities made by others. We always depend on one another to be able to exist.
We also trust in Almighty God since we carry within us the desire to be peaceful, to have a long stable life and to be happy forever.
Yet everything and everyone are finite in this world, so we do not always get what we want. Only omnipotent God can do all things and only in him is there boundless love. Although God is extremely exalted, he always looks at the lowly and does not despise anyone who comes to him. God is full of love and is our most secure support in this life.
Whenever I encounter the trials and tribulations of everyday life, I have an endearing habit of looking up at the crucifixion
We are created by God’s infinite love; he knows our limitations and weaknesses as we are. That love is most clearly shown in Jesus in the human condition. He accepted to live in a limited body and to die like a human, except for sin.
Whenever I encounter the trials and tribulations of everyday life, I have an endearing habit of looking up at the crucifixion. The bottom line to all questions is that Jesus was resurrected, opening a new life in grace and eternal happiness with God the Almighty Father.
Believing in him, I accept my life as a journey to my Father’s heavenly house. I know where I come from, what I live for and where I end up going. Receiving him as my fulcrum, I am more peaceful amid the enormous difficulties of life. When I look up at the Cross of Jesus, I always meet his outstretched arms that always wait to bless me. He is my fulcrum and ecstasy of bliss in this life.
In life, I meet a lot of good people and I know they are the epitome of the goodness that he gives me. Through them, I feel the love of God, who is the source of all goodness.
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Turning to him in all things, I enjoy peace amid my life’s trials since I am firmly convinced of one thing: God never disparages me, never fears me disturbing him. I feel that I am loved by God and have him as my fulcrum, so I walk peacefully on this earthly journey that is full of uncertainties.
During the coronavirus pandemic, many people are driven to bleak despair, committing suicide to resolve their deadlock because they could not find a fulcrum. Covid-19 acts as a graphic reminder of the truth we have forgotten for a long time — that nothing in this world is so solid to become our real fulcrum.
Even our lives are not guaranteed because today we are alive but tomorrow we are dead. Surely one day, whether we like it or not, we will walk out of this world. We are walking in the world as in a journey only and God awaits us at the end of that journey. In every moment, we have him as our true fulcrum. I realize that and I am gentler with all the problems of life.
God is like a bosom friend and is right in our hearts, so we can pray and talk to him anywhere and anytime. When we encounter anything, happy or sad, we can also tell him, especially when we are suffering abject miseries. He is like a loving father, always taking tender care of us.
As St. Peter said: “Cast all your anxiety on him for he cares for you.” The Lord personally said: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Mt. 11:28)
This article was summarized and translated by a UCA News reporter from a Vietnamese article published on here.
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