Radio Vaticana: Special shortwave broadcasts to West Africa at Christmas During Christmas celebrations of 'live broadcasts,' Vatican Radio has announced an increase of its shortwave radio service to West Africa and the Middle East.
Vatican News English Africa Service – Vatican City
During Christmas, Vatican Radio says its shortwave broadcasts of live events to West Africa and the Middle East in English, French, Portuguese and Arab, respectively will be further potentiated.
Christmas Eve Mass and the Urbi et orbi
Addressing English speakers of West Africa, Vatican Radio said in an announcement:
We wish to inform our listeners on shortwave radio in West Africa that they can follow the live broadcasts of the Christmas Eve Mass and, the Holy Father, Pope Francis' Urbi et orbi address and blessing on Christmas Day on the following frequencies:
The 24 December Christmas Eve Mass will be broadcast on the 6080 kHz at 19.30 local time in Rome which is 18.30 UTC.
The Urbi et Orbi Special Blessing on Christmas Day will be broadcast on the 15575 kHz at noon local time in Rome or 11 hours UTC.
That is for our listeners on shortwave in West Africa.

Vatican Radio’s English Africa Programme 1950 – 2020
The two events will also be streamed live on our web portal: https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
Vatican Radio broadcasts to Africa
Vatican Radio already has daily shortwave broadcasts to most English-speaking Africa; French Africa; Portuguese Africa; KiSwahili; Amharic and Tigrinya languages. Apart from broadcasts on the shortwave frequencies, the daily broadcasts are also re-transmitted by a wide range of Catholic diocesan and religious FM radio stations spread out in most of Africa. Further still the broadcasts can also be listened to directly, from the Vatican News web portal or the daily podcasts that can also be downloaded.

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23 December 2020, 23:09
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