Art that comforts VATICAN
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- Art that comforts
- Vatican Museums
Vatican Museum: Beauty that Unites! 64 Beauty creates communion. It unites onlookers from a distance, uniting past, present and future. Pope Francis has recalled this on a number of occasions. The Church has always translated the universality of the Good News into the language of art. From this premise, this dramatic moment in history characterized by uncertainty and isolation, gives rise to this initiative which is a partnership between the Vatican Museum and Vatican News: Masterpieces from the Vatican Collection accompanied by comments from the words of the Popes.
Pietro Vannucci known as Pietro Perugino or Il Perugino (1450-1523), Handing over of the Keys, fresco, 1482-83, Vatican Apostolic Palace, Sistine Chapel. © Musei Vaticani

© Musei Vaticani
You have been called. Called by God, called by Christ, called by the Church.
Whatever way your vocation sounded within the interior depths of your awareness
and in the exterior reality of your experience,
each one of you should always remember that fact,
that characterizes your existence: the divine election extended to you personally.
The Word of Jesus, that from the Gospel has come down
all the way to your human existence:
“I have chosen you”; Christ said to each one of you:
“Come, follow me”; and the same voice resounded in each of you
— tender, liberating, imperative:
“Come and follow me; I will make you fishers of men”.
Oh, blessed are you, dear sons and brothers!
Blessed are you who have had the grace, the wisdom,
the courage to listen and to welcome this determining invitation!
(Pope Paul VI, Homily on the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, 29 June 1975)
For more information, click here.
Under the direction of Paolo Ondarza
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- Art that comforts
- Vatican Museums
23 August 2020, 08:30
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