CHURCH Bishops of El Salvador condemn social media attacks on Cardinal Chávez The bishops of El Salvador release a statement in which they show support for Cardinal Chávez who has been victim of social media attacks.
By Vatican News
In a press statement released on their website, the Bishops of El Salvador have expressed solidarity with Cardinal Gregorio Rosa Chávez, who has been victim of numerous attacks on social networks after calling for greater dialogue between government representatives and transparency in the management of funds used to respond to the Covid-19 emergency.
"We know his path and the important services rendered to the Church and the country. For this reason, we find it unfair and unacceptable that he be attacked and offended on social networks. We consider it an attack not only on him, but on the Church. At the same time we express our full support and solidarity with our honorable Brother” write the bishops.
The statement also stresses that the political situation in the country "continues to be marked by polarisation” and that this is not beneficial to the “much needed social peace”. For this reason, they add, let us ask God to guide us on the path of respect, tolerance and the sincere search for the common good.
The bishops also report on a meeting held last Tuesday, 16 June, which ecclesial and national issues were discussed. In view of the upcoming opening of the churches to the public, the bishops urge the faithful to take care of each other to avoid contagion and invite them to respect the protocols and, when possible, to remain at home in voluntary quarantine.
Finally, the Bishops asked the faithful to continue fighting, to remain strong in their faith and to pray together for their "blessed land which is so tormented and so in need of harmony and peace", as well as for the victims of the pandemic and the recent heavy rains.

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