Hence, Project Star Gate was born, and the U.S. government began recruiting and training people who claimed to have psychic powers in order to combat the psychic spies that they didn’t THINK the Soviet Union had, but weren’t willing to bet on. It was all perfectly summed up by Rep. Charlie Rose in a meeting about the program: “It seems to me a hell of a cheap radar system And if the Russians have it and we don’t, we’re in serious trouble.” The CIA at one point even brought in famous psychic and the man who (allegedly) inspired the Pokemon Kadabra and Alakazam, Uri Geller. If the program had been successful, no spoon in Soviet Russia would have remained unbent.
Related: The Russian Spy Whale Is Defecting To The West
Reversing Climate Change With Weather Control
The last plan I’ll cover here is one that’s extremely recent, and not surprising in what it’s trying to prepare for, but in the proposed methods. Climate change is a pretty clear and urgent problem for anybody with a more than tenuous grasp on scientific fact. Thanks to the surprisingly stalwart and EXTREMELY vocal opposition, though, it’s looking less and less like common sense is going to provide a solution. Instead, we jump from one conspiracy theorist favorite to another: weather control.
In July of this year, Biden signed a federal appropriations act that includes research into “geoengineering”, which in this case is a less mad-scientisty way to talk about altering the weather. Specifically, methods like using particles purposefully released into the stratosphere to reflect some of the sun’s rays back outwards, cooling the earth. Now, if that doesn’t sound all too comfy as a solution, there are plenty of scientists who agree with you. In fact, it was directly set up by the U.S. tanking a U.N. resolution against geoengineering only a couple years ago, presumably with this exact plan in mind. Is it a good idea? If it ever gets implemented, I guess you’ll have to ask your great-grandchildren.
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